Gender Audit & Gender Action Plan Resources
A Framework for Developing Gender Policies for Political Parties
International IDEA (Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance), 2016
Evaluating the Gender Sensitivity of Parliaments, A Self-Assessment Toolkit
Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2016
Gender-Sensitive Parliaments
An online toolkit to evaluate the gender sensitivity of parliaments including political party procedures
European Institute for Gender Equality
Handbook on Promoting Women’s Participation in Political Parties
Includes a template of a gender audit of a political party in Annex 2 and gender action plans from the political parties of Slovenia in Annex 3
OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), 2014
Gender Audit Tool by ODIHR
A website dedicated to gender audit methodology which includes a gender audit questionnaire to assess a political party’s level of gender sensitivity. OSCE/ODIHR
Plan of Action for Gender-Sensitive Parliaments
Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2017
Gender Equity and Gender Sensitivity Training Resources
Gender Equality Training: Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit
European Institute for Gender Equality, 2016
Gender Training Toolkit
World Vision International, 2008, second edition
Manual on Training for Gender Equality
UN Women Training Centre, 2019
ParlGenderTools – Gender Equality Toolkits for Parliamentarians in the Caribbean ParlAmericas & UN Women Multi-Country Office for the Caribbean
Resource Centre
Includes a variety of training tools, resources and manuals that would be useful for conducting gender equality and gender sensitivity training
UN Women Training Centre
UN Women Training Centre
Includes free and paid self-paced course on topics relating to gender
Other Resources
Campaign Manual for Women Candidates
Danish Institute for Parties and Democracy, April 2020
Empowering Women for Stronger Political Parties
Julie Ballington
United Nations Development Programme & National Democratic Institute, February 2012
World Economic Forum
Women’s Political Participation in Asia and the Pacific
Jacqui True, Nicole George, Sara Niner, and Swati Parashar
Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum
CPPF Working Papers on Women in Politics: No. 3, October 2014