News & Statement
- APGF statement on GAZA
- Re Civilians - Israel, Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
- Statement on Fukushima waste dumping into the Pacific
- اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يطالب النظام الإيراني بوقف عمليات إعدام المتظاهرين السلميين على الفور
- Statement: APGF demands Iranian regime to immediately stop executions of peaceful demonstrators
- APGF joins with Global Greens Women’s Network statement on Indonesia’s revised criminal code
- يدعو إتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ حكومات الشرق الأوسط لإيجاد حل لأزمة المياه لديهم
- APGF calls upon Middle East governments to find solution to their water crises
- Interview with Hon. Richard Masere, Parliamentary Leader of the Papua New Guinea Greens
- مراجعة كتاب: الأحزاب الخضراء في تايوان: سياسة بديلة في تايوان
- Book Review: Taiwan's Green Parties: Alternative Politics in Taiwan
- إتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يدعو الصين للاعتراف بسيادة دولة تايوان
- China should accept Taiwan as sovereign nation
- Statement: APGF welcomes Sri Lankan move towards more democracy
- يرحب إتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ بتحرك سريلانكا نحو المزيد من الديمقراطية
- بناء ممارسة حية للديمقراطية
- Building a Living Practice of Democracy
- إتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يدعو الحكومة الهندية إلى إطلاق سراح الناشطين والصحفيين
- APGF calls on Indian Government to release activists and journalists
- Australian Greens' huge wins in May election - and what comes next
- اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يوقع على بيان اتحاد أحزاب الخضر للشباب الأوروبيّين: العدالة لشيرين، العدالة للصحافيين، العدالة لفلسطين
- APGF signs on to FYEG statement: "Justice for Shireen, Justice for Journalists, Justice for Palestine"
- نحن نتطلع إلى كسر الحلقة - حزب الخضر اللّبناني وانتخابات 15 أيار/مايو
- “We are looking to break the cycle” - The Green Party of Lebanon and the 15 May elections
- Asia-Pacific Greens Federation condemns Israeli assaults on Palestinians during Ramadan
- إتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يدين الاعتداءات الإسرائيلية على الفلسطينيين خلال شهر رمضان
- اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ يدين الغزو الروسي لأوكرانيا ويطالب بانسحاب فوري للقوات من أوكرانيا وإنهاء الحرب
- APGF condemns Russian invasion on Ukraine, demands immediate withdrawal of forces from Ukraine and end of war
- بيان اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ بشأن التصعيد الروسي الأوكراني
- APGF statement on Russia-Ukraine escalation
- أحدث عضو في اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ - بابوا غينيا الجديدة الخضر
- APGF’s Newest Member - the Papua New Guinea Greens
- The India Greens Party: Slowly and strongly growing, powered by the grassroots of society
- «النقاش حول علامة التوقيت بينما يموت المئات»: تجربة ثلاثة من الشباب الخضر في COP 26 مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة المعني بتغير المناخ في غلاسكو
- "Bickering over punctuation while hundreds die": Three young Greens' experience of COP26 in Glasgow
- Green Party of the Philippines to Participate in 2022 Philippine National and Local Elections
- حزب الخضر في الفلبين يشارك في الانتخابات الوطنية والمحلية الفلبينية عام ٢٠٢٢
- ما هو اتحاد أحزاب الخضر في آسيا والمحيط الهادئ (APGF)
- What is the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF)?
- حلقة نقاش " ما هي السياسة البيئية "
- "What is Green Politics" panel discussion
- Calling All Interpreters!
- Green Policy in Action
- Welcome Sabina Gurung as The Next Mentor!
- Statement on the Anniversary of the Beirut Port Explosion
- Interview with Australian Senator Dr. Mehreen Faruqi
- Request for Proposals: Party Database Project (Phase 2) - Implementation
- August APGFWN Webinar: Developing an election campaign - Developing a strategy and plan and implementing it
- June APGFWN Webinar: Facilitating and organising meetings
- APGF Statement on Violence in Palestine and Israel
- Interview with Leader of the Australian Greens Adam Bandt
- APGFWN Webinar/ Mini Course - Skill Development and leadership program for women
- Statement: APGF condemns Myanmar junta and stands with the Spring Revolution
- April Webinar: Setting up a Women’s Network in Green parties
- APGF's 2020 Annual Report is now available
- Welcome to Seni Nabou, APGF's new Pacific Women's Outreach Coordinator!
- Exciting opportunity - Pacific Women’s Outreach Project Coordinator for the APGF Women’s Network - deadline 31 January
- CLOSED: Request for Proposals: Member and Supporter database project (Phase 1)
- APGF Women's Network November Newsletter
- Request for Proposals: Member and Supporter database project (Phase 1)
- A Farewell Message to the Global Greens from Keli Yen
- APGF's 2019 Annual Report now available!
- #TogetherWeRise - Please support the Asia Pacific Greens Federation in 2020!
- Meet Anita, APGF's new Gender Equity Project Coordinator!
- APGF Statement on Beirut Explosion
- Welcome Green Party of the Philippines!
- A global, green statement for COP26
- Exciting opportunity - Gender Equity Project Coordinator of the APGF Women’s Network - CLOSED
- APGF Statement on Non-Discrimination and COVID-19
- APGFWN Webinar - The many facets of being a woman parliamentarian: Senator for Australian Greens, Senator Mehreen Faruqi
- Condolence motion for Abdel Wahed Toufiq Souq
- Condolence motion for Sara Mourad
- APGF Statement on COVID-19
- Condolence motion for Jeanette Fitzsimons
- Letter from APGF to Australian Greens and Dr. Richard di Natale
- Webinar The Role of Women in Setting Up Green Parties
- Exciting opportunity - General Secretary of the APGF
- New APGF Member: India Greens Party
- APGF Statement in Support of Iraqi People
- Congratulations New Zealand Zero Carbon Act
- APGF support for the People of Iraq
- Policy Template Writer Position
- APGF supports Climate Strike
- Pasang Dolma Sherpa Indigenious People & Climate Change Webinar
- APGF Annual Report 2018
- An Activist Life in Politics and as Global Greens Ambassador- 20 June 2019 Webinar
- Making room for women and girls - webinar with Nikki Berry
- India Greens elects Suresh Nautiyal as National President, Raza Haider as Secretary-General
- APGF Annual Report 2017
- Green Party Korea 2018 Local Election Report
- Green Party of Lebanon contest the first elections since 2009
- Last man standing: Life alone on a disappearing island
- The long, steep drop from Rio
- New Zealand Green Party Calls on Israel to respect UN resolution
- Global Greens and EGP Congress launch! 30 March to 02 April 2017
- The dinosaur awakes – How quickly will it move; how clearly can it think?
- Hope from a Young Green in Lebanon
- A movement for social and environmental reform in the Philippines' Central Mindanao
- Climate Change in Pakistan
- Femmes en politique: expériences des leaders écologistes
- Korea & US Green Party's Joint-Statement against THAAD
- APGF Green Party Presentations
- Strengthening Asia Pacific Greens' Women in Politics
- APGF Grant Applications Now Open!
- “We are becoming a wasteful society,” says prominent Indian Environmentalist Sunita Narain
- Asia Pacific Greens meet with Australian Greens reps
- Ratifying Paris Agreement - NZ Greens Parliamentary Question
- Global Greens: 15 Year Anniversary
- Making Connections: the Asia Pacific Greens Election Study Tour to Australia
- What's up with the Women's Network?
- Taiwan Green Party 2016 Elections: Q&A with Ken-cheng Lee, former Party Co-Chair
- Women in politics - experiences from Green leaders
- Australian Greens Host Asia Pacific Delegates
- APGF Study Tour 2016
- Global Greens Action on Implementing the Paris Agreement
- Former Green MP Holly Walker on life in Parliament as a mother, and a woman
- Global Greens Statement on ratifying the Paris Agreement
- GGWN Webinar Summary - 16 April 2016
- 30 Years Since Chernobyl, 5 Years Since Fukushima
- Human Trafficking in the Indian State of Uttarakhand on Rise
- Several Women Missing from the Salt Area of Uttarakhand State in India: UKPP calls on the Government to Stop Human Trafficking
- Strengthening Political Participation of Women in Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities
- Green Party of Lebanon joins the Asia Pacific Greens Federation
- Across the Seas
- Taking Climate Action to the Next Level: Reflections by UN Climate Chief
- Case Study for an Effective Climate Contribution: 2nd post-Paris blog
- The NZ Government, for one, has no idea about the ‘Hard Part’ - Post-COP21 blog 1
- COP21 Message Global Greens Ambassador
- Indonesia Green Union's Assessment of COP21 Climate Agreement
- Urgent Action Must Follow Paris Agreement: Statement by Green Members of Parliament
- Historic Agreement ‘Brings Us Together’: Now for the Hard Part - Kennedy Graham COP21 blog 6
- The President’s Text: Invertebrate and Vulnerable - Kennedy Graham COP21 blog 4
- Climate Salvation: urgent but not yet - Kennedy Graham COP21 blog 3
- 박근혜 "온실가스 감축" 알고 보니 '딴나라' 이야기
- Domestic Workers and Climate Change
- Nepali Greens urges Global Greens to stand against inhuman blockade in Nepal
- Messages for Ministers
- Strengthening Local Community Initiatives to Oppose Exploitation of Natural Resources and Loss of Local Livelihoods
- Linking trust, ambition and integrity in Paris climate talks
- Too much hot air, not enough trust – Day one from the Climate summit
- Resolving our Cognitive Dissonance - Kennedy Graham COP21 blog 2
- Testing the climate, taunting the gods - Kennedy Graham COP21 blog 1
- Paris climate conference - failure is not an option
- Listen to Global Greens COP21 Webinar
- Global Greens News: November 2015
- Yes we can! New Zealand Green Party's Climate Plan
- Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age
- Australian and New Zealand Green parties to lodge complaint with Australian Human Rights Commission
- Canadian, New Zealand Greens team up to oppose Trans-Pacific trade deal
- Greens Japan declaration on the relaunch of the Sendai Nuclear Plant
- Govt being left behind on clean energy transition
- Youth Building a Just and Peaceful Regional Community
- 【臨時総会決議】 安保関連法案の廃案に全力を尽くし、「安倍政治」を終わらせよう
- Fossil Finance - Green Institute webinar, Tuesday 4 August
- Govt should declare climate change a threat to peace and security
- Green Party Korea solidarity with the Greek Ecologists Greens
- Capturing The Spirit of Wellington’s Greens Wind
- 第三屆亞太綠人大會 議決通過多元性別權益決議文
- Nepali Greens earthquake rehabilitation
- 李根政:亞太綠黨大會承認台灣為主權獨立國家
- Asia Pacific weak on proactive climate change policies
- Asia Pacific Greens push for effective climate policy
- Asia-Pacific Greens Unite
- Christine Milne: Australia 'universally condemned' at regional Greens meeting
- Asia Pacific Greens adopt West Papua resolution
- Solomons Green figure advocates balance in development
- 'Our rivers are drying up'
- Greens to announce new climate change proposal
- Green Party wants climate test for new laws
- Climate Keynote by James Shaw, New Zealand Green Party
- Green parties meet for rare gathering
- Philippine Green Party climate speech, by Elias Labro
- Green Party hosts Asia Pacific Greens Federation congress where climate change is top of the agenda
- A commentary on the UK General Election 2015 - a problem of the electoral system
- Feed Nepal Quake Victims
- Greens Japan: stop TPP negotiations
- New Zealanders don't want the TPP
- APGN會前會:台灣公民論壇之六
- APGN2010會前會:台灣公民論壇之七
- 亞太青年綠人大會 2010 四月二十九日 臺北臺灣
- 04/02 「鼓勵多生育,不如多體貼已經生育的父母」亞太綠人大會托育服務 記者會
- 吐瓦魯總理:滅國迫在眉睫 氣候談判緩不濟急
- APGN2010會前會:台灣公民論壇之四
- Greens' kingmaker hails `historic result'
- Visas for Taiwan
- 第四梯次亞太綠人大會志工培訓營 (3月27日)
- 打造綠色會議 APGN邀請企業認捐活動費用
- 蒙古經濟會議上,前總統承認在任期內不夠重視環保
- 環署:助非洲建設綠能 轉抵減碳權
- 促進環保合作 台非環保領袖會議今在台召開
- APGN 5-Year Development Plan Survey
- APGN 2010 Pre-Congress Meeting: The Third Taiwan Citizens Forum: "Green Transportation, Majestic Mountains and Ocean--Cultivating Our Hualian Dreams"
- 亞太綠人大會募款贊助起跑 期盼社會各界加入搶救全球暖化的行列!
- When the Mekong runs dry
- Pelenise Alofa Pilitati: A strong voice for Kiribati
- 吐瓦魯的紀錄片 The Sinking of Tuvalu documentary
- 亞太綠人大會暖身會在鹿港 探求對抗工業污染對策
- 反基改名人希娃博士將來台
- APGN2010會前會:台灣公民論壇之三
- Time for Australia to cut lifeline of Burma's oppressive regime
- 綠黨幹部改選 潘翰聲、劉麗蘭任召集人 張宏林任秘書長
- Asia Pacific Young Greens Congress ~ 29th April, 2010– Taipei, Taiwan
- 名人「笑」應‧自愚愚民-以《愚蠢年代》觀照《±2℃》
- 婦女與氣候變遷論壇 Women and Climate Change Forum
- 招募中部區志工!!
- APGN2010 Pre-Congress Meeting-- The Second Taiwan Citizens Forum "Local economy of good fortune, Weave a global rescue network"
- Nationwide farmers’ movement is need of the hour
- 國際綠黨新聞: 哥本哈根從希望之旅到失望之途
- From Hopenhagen to Nopenhagen
- U.S. Feeds One Quarter of its Grain to Cars While Hunger is on the Rise
- Gunns 20 Case Goes To Trial. By Liesel Rickarby
- APGN2010會前會:台灣公民論壇之一
- -亞太綠人大會志工培訓營--"消除無力感,從互動和行動開始"
- APGN 2010 Pre-Congress Event: Taiwan Public Forum "Tree Hugging for Environmental Justice"
- The People vs. Cap‐and‐Tax, by: James Hansen
- Want to stop Aussie aid to whaling?
- APGN 2010 台北見 許我們一個未來
- Protesters back renewable energy
- Radio Taiwan: Green Party to rally Asian countries
- 2010 International Focus: Taiwan Selected to Host 2nd Congress of Asia Pacific Greens Network
- 2010年國際聚焦: 台灣取得第二屆亞太綠人大會主辦權
- 本次會議來台講者Vandana Shiva 於哥本哈根發言
- Dr. Vandana Shiva Speaks at the Copenhagen Climate Summit
- APGN organizers respond to Green New Deal challenge
- Enkhbat, Member of Great Khural: Not The Time For Corrupted Government Responsible For Uranium Business
- Haunting Beauty of the Ghats
- Civil Society Organisations' Participation in Climate Change: a national dialogue
- Climate Change: Melting Glaciers and Drying Rivers in Himalaya
- 「綠色新政」成國際潮流 節能減碳減緩氣候變遷衝擊
- 1% of World's Wealth Could Fund Global Green New Deal
- 投資1%全球財富 締造全球綠色新政
- 綠領經濟的許諾與失落(上)
- 綠色新政洋玩意 在台灣水土不服?
- 推動綠領工作 環保、勞工團體首度對話
- Tranport Info to the Venue
- 節能規劃師 新熱門職業
- 節能減碳人才 職場新寵兒
- Take Action on Oct. 24: Join One of the Largest Global Protests in the Fight Against Climate Change
- Without Drastic CO2 Cuts Immediately, the World Faces a Massive 'Oh Shit' Moment
- Taiwan proposes new energy & emissions taxes
- The Greening of Politics – speech by Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown
- The Green New Deal Conference. Melbourne, 10/24-25, 2009
- 本月二十一日台灣綠人推派四位青年代表前往澳洲墨爾本出席由澳洲
- 回應媒體報導「我參與氣候公約遭矮化」
- Permaculture at Tu-cheng
- Time for a new approach
- Why The Rush for Nuclear Power?
- Nepalese Climate Action - December 6
- A tragedy foretold
- Walk Against Warming, Australia
- Future of the Global Greens: Taiwan’s Perspective, Taiwan’s Role
- Future of the Global Greens: Taiwan’s Perspective, Taiwan’s Role
- Evolution of a Green Party in the Philippines
- Evolution of a Green Party in the Philippines
- The Power of Green
- Scars of development
- Reckless consumption making the world filthy
- >No equity, if sustainability threatened
- Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN) Kyoto 11—13 February 2005 - Report from Australia
- Promoting Ecological Democracy in South-North Cooperation
- Water Crisis in India: Agenda for the 21st Century
- Uttarakhand: The Need for a Comprehensive Eco-strategy
- Agenda for the new state of Uttarakhand