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Protests in Ukraine and Venezuela

The European Greens on the situation in Ukraine

The situation is still evolving and there are inherent risks of further instability and violence. The European Green Party has underlined that the territorial integrity of Ukraine is crucial to secure a peaceful future and that any activity aimed at breaching this is unacceptable.

Greens have called upon the EU’s foreign ministers and diplomats to do their utmost to create a sustainable, peaceful solution and expect the Russian authorities to play a constructive role also.

The EU must help to stabilise the social, financial and economic situation in Ukraine with joint efforts and develop a specific support plan with all its international partners and institutions, and help Ukraine to lessen their energy dependence on Russia.

Crucially, the Ukrainian people should decide for themselves what sort of country they want to live in, and if they want to move towards the European Union.

Movimiento Ecologico de Venezuela on the students protests

Venezuela has one of the highest murder rates in the world, is deeply politically polarized and its yearly inflation in December 2013 stood at 56.2%. Fueled by such issues, student protests against president Maduro were ignited in Caracas on February 12, 2014 and quickly turned deadly after three people were shot by gunmen during a largely peaceful march that day. Since then, there have been daily demonstrations.

Movimiento Econogico de Venezuela, Member of the Global Greens, expresses concerns about the escalation of violence, invites all parties to consent to a peaceful dialogue to find sustainable solutions to their differences, and calls the government to address the economic, social, and security crisis.

“We stand in solidarity with the people and the families of the victims. We urge the Venezuelan government to ensure the right of assembly and personal integrity, security and political rights. We seek collective leadership and promote conflict resolutions and dialogue among all citizens.  We express solidarity with peaceful demonstrations, we deplore the violence from radical groups, and we urge all citizens to seek ways of understanding, reconciliation and peace”

In conclusion, Movimiento Ecologico de Venezuela declares its commitment to boost the national dialogue among all political forces, with the ambition to promote a culture of peace and respect. “We call for open dialogue on the basis of the protection of human rights, democracy and freedom of expression”.

02/28/2014 – 00:00


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