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New Zealand Greens election campaign webinar

Government in waiting? Why New Zealand needs a smart Green change

Gareth Hughes MP (New Zealand)
Web seminar, 6.30 pm, Wednesday 16 July

Click here to book

New Zealanders go to the polls in just over two months, on 20 September. Unlike Australia, they have a unicameral parliament and proportional representation. Multi-party government is the norm, not an aberration, and that puts the Greens in with a chance. According to the 2011 census, there are nearly half a million people born in New Zealand living in Australia and 65% are not Australian citizens. Many will be eligible to vote in the NZ election and under the PR system those votes really count.

Gareth Hughes MP is the NZ Greens’ spokesperson for energy, oceans and ICT. He comes from a background as a Greenpeace campaigner and when he entered parliament in 2010 he was the youngest MP. He’ll be speaking about the election, the policies and the politics of this important campaign.

You’ll need a computer with speakers and microphone and $6 to book (gratis if you’re outside Australia). All welcome – and note that it’s on at 6.30 pm eastern Australian time; adjust for other time zones.

PS.  If you’re entitled to vote in the election – find out how and vote Green!

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07/16/2014 – 00:00


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