GYG Congress guild: How to take part in 10 steps

This document gives you 10 easy steps which will guild you to the GYG Congress in Berlin, 2010.

Global Young Greens (GYG) is a worldwide network where young people interested in environmental sustainability, social justice, grassroots democracy and peace can converge.

Incorporating green youth organizations; green political youth wings and individuals who want to see the things above take hold within our lifetimes; GYG connects people via the web and in person, and seeks to provide the tools for young people to become more effective agents of change.

After a successful first congress in January 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya, Global Young Greens announces its second congress. This is done well in advance keeping in mind the preparation time. This second GYG congress will take place in Europe. The German Young Greens in cooperation with Heinrich Böll Foundation and Federation of Young European Greens (FYEG) will host the congress in Berlin, Germany.

Dates: 08th of August to 14th of August 2010

Venue: Heart of Germany, Berlin, (Heinrich-Böll-Foundation) the program will be of 7 days including arrival and departure date.

Tentatively three to four days will be devoted on youth trainings on various issues, workshops and exposure visits. Close to Two days will be spent on congress contents like statute amendments regional meetings and electing new steering committee.

Global Young Greens will ensure accommodation and food during the congress. There will be a participation fee to partly cover those costs: Participants from the Global North will need to pay €180, whereas participants from the Global South will have to pay €30.

Financial Contribution:

If you have money to help the Global Young greens please donate:

Please transfer the amount you want to donate to the bank-account which we have established for this purpose. Do not forget to indicate the purpose (e.g. “for travel assistance of XYZ”) of your donation. You can also donate money without a specific purpose. This money will be used to assist people chosen by an elected “selection committee” to cover their travel-expenses.

Receiver: Deutscher FV für die Arbeit globaler grüner Bewegungen e.V.

Bank name: GLS Bank

IBAN: DE72430609671115855900


Any more questions contact Franza from Berlin ( or Sanka From Sri Lanka (

How to be part of the GYG Congress in ten steps  

  1.  Inform yourself! Check the website:
    Go to:
  2. Get in contact with your local organisation and ask them to give you their support. There should be two delegates of each organisation.  In case there is no local organisation, write to us directly:
  3. Discuss the financial conditions with your organisation or with us. Secure your funding (try our fundraising kit) which includes your travel expenses (try to travel as cheap and ecologically friendly as possible! (Try EU Rail) and the participation fee (180 € per person for global north, 30€ for global south).
  4. Get a vote or nomination for a delegation by your local organisation.
  5. Register for the congress – fill in the registration form and send it to:
  6. Buy your tickets. Discuss the conditions with the prep team beforehand!
  7. Read the proposal for the restructuring of GYG and discuss it within your organisation.
  8. Prepare for the congress: Try to include as many people of your organisation as possible via mailing lists, social networks, personal contact etc. MOBILIZE!!!
  9. Come to the congress, discuss and have fun!!
  10. Be inspired and bring your experiences back to your country and your organisation! Help GYG become more known (e.g. by blogging and writing about it). Take a look at this!!!

Any more questions contact Franza from Berlin ( or Sanka From Sri Lanka (

06/17/2010 – 17:17


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