Action Everywhere!
What a time! September saw the huge #PeoplesClimate mobilisations around the world change the story on climate change: people are standing up and fighting. 2646 events from 162 countries, including the biggest-ever climate marches in New York, Paris and plenty more places besides. You can see photos from Greens around the world here. Governments on the other hand are nowhere near doing what’s needed. According to the European Greens, the European Union has abdicated climate leadership with the weak targets it has adopted.
Just this week, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns again of ‘severe, pervasive and irreversible effects on people and ecosystems’ if climate change goes unchecked. The future can be brighter — but we need political will.
In other news, the Swedish Greens have entered government with ‘a radical environmental agenda’ (great!), the Australians are out campaigning for the climate in the lead up to the G20 meeting, and Greens from Togo to Florida are tackling dangerous waste. Greens have also contested elections in Brazil, New Zealand, Bolivia and Canada.
Click here to read the complete November GG News or read individual articles below.
11/04/2014 – 14:23