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European Greens Campaign Has Started!

European elections will be held on 22nd – 25th May, 2014 and the election campaign has started. Greens across Europe have united behind a common election manifesto that will lead Europe in to a modern and sustainable future. The manifesto was presented during the European Green Party Eclectoral Conventionlast weekend and contains eight main political areas: Climate and Energy, Food and Environment, Social Justice, Freedom, Global Solidarity, Democracy and Economy and Europe. The EGP presented their campaign material, which includes a series of posters with the tagline “Change Europe, vote Green”. The posters can be customised online by national parties or Green party supporters.

The European Greens state that they are serious about tackling climate change through a complete transformation of our energy production and consumption. Europe needs to be energy self-sufficient with an energy supply based on renewable resources. Europe also has to have high energy efficiency and ambitious reduction of CO2 emissions. The European greens have set the target to be 100 % renewable energy by 2050.

The European Greens are working for all people across Europe to have the right to enjoy healthy food, sustainable for  both environment and for producers. Because ecological farming and production protects both biodiversity and soil fertility, the European Greens seek to stimulate local production chains, organic farming and fair trade.

The European Greens believe in a Europe with equal rights, where everyone has the freedom and opportunity to participate in a society offering citizens equal opportunities regardless of gender, nationality, social background, age, sexual or gender identity, religion or disabilities. The European Greens envision a Europe providing its population with good education, and long-term job opportunities. We have a special focus on young Europeans and we want to highlight the importance of intergenerational solidarity and equal rights independent of age.

“ Join the Greens for a future Europe with quality jobs that fights global warming and social inequalities” – José Bové one of the leading candidates for elections in 2014.

03/12/2014 – 17:47


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