“Think Globally Act Locally” has been the hallmark of Green Party action since we emerged as a political movement in the 1970’s and in Paris it was wonderful to be part of hundreds of Greens from all over the world coming together as a growing force, sharing experiences and skills in the campaign to seriously arrest global warming and secure this global agreement.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone wherever you are: from those who organised marches and local actions, to those who participated in local, state or national governments on policy formulation or in the negotiations in Paris on Government delegations, to those who worked with communities, professional bodies and business to bring about the momentum that has given us the Paris Agreement and a chance of constraining global warming to less than 2 degrees and securing a habitable planet.
My overwhelming sense is that it’s now going to be a coming together of civil society and business that is unstoppable in driving governments to act on climate or get out of the way and the Greens are brilliantly placed to lead with our global reach, our strong ties to community, our representation in governments at all levels, our independence from vested interests of the fossil fuel industry and our advocacy of Green economics.
Globally we are the only political party in the world today underpinned by the same values and joined by a common charter. Our challenge now is to translate that advantage into a more effective global political force to abandon fossil fuels and drive the global transformation of energy, transport and food systems to a net carbon zero future In a socially just way. We just have to get better organised and think big.
Global is the key focus and strength for us. We have the capacity through our Green family networks to know exactly what each of our countries is doing both good and bad, including land grabbing, nuclear expansion, rorting the accounting rules and we have the capacity to bring that critical perspective to global attention through review and ratification processes of the Nationally Determined Contributions. Imagine the power of Green political days of action in every level of government wherever we are in the world focussed on specific pressure points.
From Paris and leading into the Global Greens Conference in 2017 we have to redouble our efforts to work together, to include, listen to, support and build Green Parties in all regions of the world in our discussions and processes and in their elections so that global climate action for us is truly global,equitable and inclusive. The planet needs us and we need each other for encouragement, support, inspiration and hope. I can’t wait to get on with the job.
12/18/2015 – 05:32