BANGKOK – Today, as the UN climate talks came to a close in Bangkok, it became clear that the Cancun outcomes had serious flaws as the sole basis for future negotiations.

The week was dominated by a dispute over the agenda of the talks, with the United States blocking a broad and comprehensive work plan proposed by 131 developing countries.

Civil society organizations held a press conference to highlight the heavy-lifting done by developing countries at the talks, including that, in total, developing countries are doing more to reduce emissions than developed countries.

“Rich countries are still refusing to guarantee their commitment to the Kyoto Protocol and their emission cut promises are far away from what is needed in line with science and equity.” Mohamed Adow, Senior Advisor Global Climate Advocacy, Christian Aid said.

“The challenge now is to deliver the second commitment period of Kyoto through amendment of annex B, not another political compromise or empty promises – we have had enough of those in the last 3 years.” Mr Adow said.

“In Bangkok it has been developing countries that have come out with a clear vision of how to move forward on all the important issues in the negotiations in order to meet the central goal of these negotiations – emission reductions in line with the science and equity.” Lim Li Lin, Senior Kyoto Protocol Analyst at Third World Network said.

“Bangkok showed that developing countries understand how to cover 100% of emissions in a legal outcome– and this was agreed to in Bali – a second commitment period of Kyoto, and an outcome under the Convention for developing countries and the United States.” Ms Lim said.

“Now is the moment of truth, particularly for the EU, will they support this fair proposal and honour their previous commitments under the Kyoto Protocol and the Bali Action Plan?” Ms Lim said.

“What we’ve seen in Bangkok is, if offsets are used, developing countries are taking 65% of the total emission cutting burden, 3.6 gigatonnes of reductions to 1.9 gigatonnes. This reveals the hollow truth of any claims by the EU and other rich developed countries that they are serious about actually reducing carbon pollution.” Asad Rehman, Senior Campaigner International Climate of Friends of the Earth (EWNI) said.

“Behind the fight over the agenda lies a real struggle over the future of the planet, what’s at stake is either a discussion over real emission reductions or, as the US would like, a technical talk-fest that will do nothing to secure a safe climate and a safe planet.” Mr Rehman said.

“We continue to demand that the rich countries make strong commitments to higher targets in the second round of the Kyoto Protocol necessary to keep the warming below 1.5 Celsius degrees.” Rex Varona of Jubilee South Asia said.

“We will continue to mobilize our movement in Asia and Africa to challenge national governments not to concede to bilateral or narrow-vested interests and manipulations of the US and other rich developed countries. Doing so will merely legitimize and put into operation the pledge and review approach which will lead to run away climate change.” Mr Varona said.

“This is not simply about the talks or the technical targets. This is about long-term, catastrophic climate change and the threat to the lives of millions of the South.” Mr Varona said.

04/08/2011 – 12:00


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