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Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN) Kyoto 11—13 February 2005 – Report from Australia

Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN)

Kyoto 11—13 February 2005 


Contact details3

Introduction and Acknowledgements4

Future of the APGN5

Background and organisation8

Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network10

Provisional members of the Asia Pacific Greens Network14

Attachment 1. Program18

Attachment 2. Meeting Rules19

Attachment 3. Simple Rules as amended and adopted22

Attachment 4. Resolutions adopted25

APGN Resolutions (adopted at the Asia-Pacific Greens Network Meeting, Kyoto, February 13th, 2005)25

Climate Change and Renewable Energy25

Joint Appeal on Peace and Security26

The challenge of diversity in the Asia Pacific Regions: Minority rights and participatory democracy29

Shared view and appeal from the workshop on Challenges to the “ever-increasing waste”30

Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Cultures30

Resolution against the destruction of Tasmania’s wild and scenic forests for paper-making in Japan31

Proposal To Form The Asia Pacific Young Greens Network31

Ingrid Betancourt, Clara Rojas, Colombia Greens32

Nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage list of areas of outstanding universal value in New Caledonia32

Say No To Co2-Intensive Development Projects;  Stop the Projects of the Eighth Oil Refinery Plant and the Formosa Steel Plant in Yunling County, Taiwan33

Dismantle Chinese Missiles Aimed at Taiwan34

Attachment 5.  Renewable Energy 2005:  From Bonn to Kyoto towards China35

Attachment 6. Election results37

Attachment 7.  Australian Greens support38

Australian Greens Global Greens Reference Group, 200538

Australian Greens team38

Overseas delegates supported by the Australian Greens38

Costs to Australian Greens38

Donations to Australian Greens  [to be completed]39

Contact details:

For more information contact:

Miriam Solomon

International Secretary, Australian Greens

Representative, Asia-Pacific Greens Network Membership Panel,

Margaret Blakers

Representative, Global Greens Coordination Group

Or visit:

Australian Greens

Ph.  1800 017 011 (in Australia only), +61 2 6162 0036

GPO Box 1108, Canberra City  ACT  2601

Introduction and Acknowledgements

Miriam Solomon

“Imagination, tolerance and a determination for coexistence is necessary for a sustainable future … We commit ourselves to promote mutual understanding through dialogue and networking. We exchange views and experiences beyond such dividing boundaries as state, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientations, social class, economy and culture. The problems faced by each group may have particular differences, but there can be a common, realistic solution. 


To reach that, we must form and maintain a network in order to exchange ideas without prejudice and to collaborate towards a common goal.

Our solution should be non-violent and ecological.”

(excerpt from Resolution 3) 


The Greens is an ever-expanding local and global phenomenon. In February 2005, in the historic town of Kyoto, Japan, the notion of “Global Greens” took on added meaning.  Greens from 23 countries around the Asia-Pacific region (and some observers from outside the region) converged in a show of common commitment, mutual support and good-will, to launch a formal Asia-Pacific Greens Network.

It was enormously successful – far surpassing expectations of even the organisers. From the rich diversity of histories and particular circumstances, we were overwhelmingly united by our common commitment to the Global Greens Charter. This Charter, the result of years of hard work and negotiations by Greens across the world, was adopted at the inaugural Global Greens Conference in Canberra, Australia, 2001, and as demonstrated at this meeting, it has proved to be a powerful uniting force.

We met in Kyoto, coincidentally, as it turned out, in the very same week that the Kyoto protocol was coming into force, adding extra symbolic significance to our work in the global political context, especially so given that our meeting was combined with a symposium on renewable energy and climate change.

Hundreds of people attended, large contingents from both Japan and South Korea, and a wonderful spread across the region, age, religion, ethnicity, indigeneity. We affirmed our commitment to the Global Greens Charter, with its ambitious goals of global change, global justice, peace, democracy and protection of the global commons – a commitment to social and environmental sustainability, now and for future generations. This shared, collective concern about the state of the world, its people, and its environment was a powerful uniting force that transcended the wide diversity among us.

Officially, each country was allowed three delegates with speaking rights during the formal decision-making part of the meeting, but in practice the proceedings were fluid and creative. In these three days new relationships were forged – we exchanged stories, shared ideas, and engaged in collective analysis and problem-solving.

Out of this came agreement to the rules for the meeting (Attachment 1); formal Simple Rules for the Asia-Pacific Greens Network (Attachment 2); elected representatives to the Global Greens Coordination Group and the Asia-Pacific Membership Panel (Attachment 6); some new specific networks that sprang out spontaneously, such as the Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network, and the Pacific Greens; and unanimous support for 11 resolutions (Attachment 3) on a diverse range of topics covering, for example:

  •  climate change through large-scale reductions in greenhouse gas emissions,
  •  peace and security through a cultural approach to actively create peace through non-violent means,
  •  human rights and democracy underpinned by the core principle of mutual understanding through dialogue and networking.

Greens activities across the planet represent an inexorable drive to give expression to these concerns through parliamentary politics, yet still grounded in strong connections with Green-minded social movement organisations. The Simple Rules we adopted state that members of the APG must be a Green party or political movement in Asia or the Pacific region (a community group with an explicit goal of involvement in democratic processes which is not yet a fully fledged party). Thus the network consists of Green parties in countries where it has been possible to form them, as well as groups aspiring to become political parties where this has not yet been possible.

Future of the APGN

As the only international political party, with its own Global Greens Charter, the Global Greens, and now the Asia-Pacific Greens, have decidedly marked out our unique place in the political landscape. We can now proudly boast a formal Green wing in the Asia-Pacific region, an official body as one of 4 regions within the Global Greens.

 We have identified member groups (27 groups now have provisional membership of the APGN), and we have a good but basic set of selection criteria and a body responsible for full accreditation. We have elected representatives of these groups,  and a clear way forward to consolidate our growth and our strength in the coming years. But perhaps more important, in the long term we have laid the groundwork for establishing cooperative working relationships among Greens in our region.

We have thus firmly planted a green seed in the Asia-Pacific that brings people and groups of similar world views and goals together. This seed needs to be nurtured to grow. There is still much hard work to be done. The group is still at an early stage, still fledgling with limited resources. The goal at this meeting was to take it slowly, step by step, letting it evolve organically as far as possible without imposing too many tight rules.

Now we will need to work hard to promote the many fine resolutions from the meeting in each of our countries, as well as to nurture the strong collaborative relationships that this meeting inspired. My hope is that all Greens groups will lend support to this network in whatever ways possible. The network will remain in need of logistical and other support, for administration of the network, implementing resolutions, maintaining e-lists etc. There will always be the need too for capacity building, assistance to developing Greens parties, financial support, information exchange, and even, where possible, visits to each others’ countries.

We face different struggles and challenges in each of our countries, yet we are clearly stronger when we work together. Ongoing energy and commitment will be needed if we want to maximise our impact. This will be crucial for our success in international campaigns, but more importantly, the viability of the network may depend on it. Let us continue to nurture the development of this new network of Green neighbours.

Thanks go to the huge efforts of Greens supporters across the globe, from Japan, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and especially to the Rainbow and Greens Japan who hosted the meeting. We gratefully acknowledge the generous funding received from the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Germany which substantially funded the Renewable Energy Symposium. Generous funding was also received from the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), Tokyo, the Swedish Green Forum, and the New Zealand Greens. Significant funding assistance also came from Australia. Thanks go to the Australian Greens as well as the numerous other local groups and individuals who gave support in many ways too numerous to mention, including all those who expressed interest in attending. Through all these efforts the Australian Greens were able to sponsor or partially sponsor 10 people from Australia, East Timor, Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka.

We gratefully acknowledge the wonderful efforts of the Organising Committee of the meeting (Satoko Watanabe, Kagawa Prefectural MP), and Kiyoshi Matsuya, Shizuoka Prefectural MP), Spokespersons of the Rainbow and Greens Japan, Kosuke Shimizu (International Coordinator of the Rainbow and Greens Japan), and Shuji Imamoto (Policy Advisor of the Rainbow and Greens Japan), and I thank Margaret Blakers for her tireless efforts over many months and years, as well as Stewart Jackson and Deb Foskey who assisted Margaret and me before the conference on the Australian Greens Global Greens Reference Group, raising money, identifying people to sponsor, and assisting with logistics.

Special thanks go also to all the many wonderful people who attended the conference, without whom we would not now have this outcome to be so proud of.

I look forward to the exciting work we will do together in the coming years, and I hope to meet you all once again at the next APGN meeting!


Background and organisation

Margaret Blakers

In May 2002, 30 people representing 12 Green parties and political movements in Asia and the Pacific met for the first Asia Pacific Green Politics Workshop in Brisbane, hosted by the Australian Greens.  A big contingent came to the Global Greens conference in April 2001, and some to the European Greens meeting in Berlin in 2002.  At each step, there was discussion of the need to formalise and strengthen the Asia Pacific Greens Network with a follow-up conference.

Early in 2003, Rainbow and Greens Japan decided to take up the challenge.  During the following year, Deb Foskey (Australian Greens International Secretary at the time) and I corresponded with Kosuke Shimizu, R&G International Coordinator.  I visited Japan in June 2004 in the lead up to the Upper House elections contested by Midori no Kaigi (literally ‘Green Conference’ — an alliance rather than a party).  This first nationally organised Green campaign in Japan resulted in a creditable 1.6% vote but loss of Atsuo Nakamura’s Senate seat.  Despite the disappointment, Rainbow and Greens decided to go ahead with the Asia Pacific Greens meeting scheduled for February 2005 in the historic and symbolic city of Kyoto.  Its theme – sowing Greens seeds in the Asia Pacific region.

The first official announcement in October 2004 set out five objectives for the meeting –

  •  to officially launch the Asia Pacific Greens Network;
  •  to discuss visions and further steps of Green policies with the Kyoto Protocol coming into effect;
  •  to discuss security and peace-making in Green vision;
  •  to work out strategies for enhancing and deepening democracy;
  •  to encourage and assist Green political movements in the region.

The Swedish Green Forum generously supported the meeting, as did Germany’s Heinrich Boell Foundation which organised an associated symposium on renewable energy.  Draft rules for the conduct of the meeting and for the more formalised Asia Pacific Greens Network were circulated.  Satoko Watanabe took over the key organising role from Kosuke Shimizu;  she, in consultation with the Japanese organising group and with Heike Loschmann (HBF, Thailand) and myself took on the difficult job of allocating funding to potential participants.

A week before the conference, Satoko moved to a Kyoto hotel with her laptop computer for the final hectic days of preparation.  Young Greens were already there for their pre-event.  A wonderful enthusiastic volunteer brigade, especially of young people, worked from an office a subway ride away.  Satoko, Kosuke and I discussed and revised the meeting procedures and Simple Rules for the Network, worried whether the meeting would accept the changes and tried to predict what could go wrong.  As participants started to arrive, we wondered how many we might lose trying to negotiate the language and the public transport.  Satoko, working between two languages, bore the brunt of the pressure.

The conference was a triumph, thanks mainly to the work of the Japanese organising committee —

Satoko Watanabe (Kagawa Prefectural MP) (Co-Spokesperson of the Rainbow and Greens Japan ) Kiyoshi Matsuya (Shizuoka Prefectural MP) (Co-Spokesperson of the Rainbow and Greens Japan ) Kosuke Shimizu (International Coordinator of the Rainbow and Greens Japan ) Shuji Imamoto (Policy Advisor of the Rainbow and Greens Japan )

To cap it off, on Sunday afternoon Greens Japan was formally inaugurated at a packed meeting.  This national Green alliance is the next step towards a fully-fledged national Green party.

Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network 

Caroline Ayling

The Asia-Pacific Greens meeting in Kyoto 2005 gave young Greens from all over the region the opportunity to meet and workshop new ideas for more inclusive and creative ways to involve ourselves and other young people in politics.

In the week leading up to the main meeting a number of pre-events were held, organised by a group of young Japanese activists. The events included a spoken word concert and discussion sessions, one held in a university and another in a traditional Japanese house in the hills outside Kyoto. We unrolled futons and sat in a circle with two young Japanese politicians, who shared with us their motivations and experiences as activists. In turn we all spoke about our ideas for a more dynamic young Greens movement and what issues we felt were most pressing- fair trade, and the effect of environmental degradation on Human Rights were most prominent. Sharing our goals with the group built a strong sense of positivity in the room, which I feel counteracts the feeling of defeat one can so easily feel as in individual.

Side trips to Hiroshima and Tokyo gave us the chance to meet more young Japanese activists. In Hiroshima, Greens from Korea, Nepal, California and Australia were given a tour of the Peace Memorial Museum with a group of students and heard the story of a woman who was seven years old when the atomic bomb hit. With great dignity, she told us what happened that day and in the years after. The city of Hiroshima and its Mayor strongly campaign for peace, leading the ‘20:20’ campaign to eradicate all nuclear weapons from Earth by the year 2020.

In Tokyo I attended a meeting to discuss the Green movement and talked about my ideas to involve young people in greater numbers. It’s my belief that focus should be shifted from formal structures and solemn activities to include more creative and relaxed ways in which to engage with the Greens. Wilderness hikes, open mic nights- any activities with a strong social component and without a sense of heavy heartedness.

After the meeting and a fantastic banquet, we found ourselves with a night off in Tokyo, and so we did the only fitting thing. Kareoke.

So by the time the main conference rolled around it was a bit of a reunion for us young participants. On the second day a young Greens workshop was held. Speakers included Greens from Pakistan, Nepal, the Philippines and Australia as well as an impromptu Q&A session with a young Mexican Congressman. We all agreed that a rigid structure shouldn’t be integral in group activism. Going on this ethos we formed the Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network.

The APYGN will have a constitution soon, but there is no criteria for joining, as many of the members of the Asia-Pacific Greens Network are not actually from Green parties. Since leaving Kyoto we have been emailing often, discussing ideas for our network and news on our activities. We’ve defined our objectives as information and resource sharing, with the goal of working together on a shared project in our region. The Korean Young Greens have proposed a trip to Thailand to visit areas devastated by the Tsunami, and also hold talk sessions in a university and meet with Greens politicians and members. So far members from Sri Lanka and Taiwan have climbed on board.

However, we do realise that before we go gangbusters with international projects, it’s imperative we build the movements back home. Next step: strengthen and innovate the young Greens in Australia.

Our patron saint Mike Feinstein has bought for us, so look out for our website in coming months, and once that is up, the mailing list will be expanded and everyone will be invited to join.

Meeting face to face in Kyoto gave the APYGN a great kick start. Perhaps one day we will be as strong in numbers as the Federation of Young European Greens. (Global Young Greens has a certain ring to it too) Such an international alliance has particular importance in a region as full of serious inequalities as ours is.

Meeting chronology

Friday 11 February

Kyoto International Community House

10.00 am —3.30 p

Associated symposium

Renewable energies 2005:  from Bonn to Kyoto towards China.

Organised by the Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF, Germany) in cooperation with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP, Japan).

Program – attachment 1.

4.00 pm – 6.00 pm

General meeting of the Asia Pacific Greens Network

Chaired by:  Satoko Watanabe (Japan), Bob Brown (Australia)


Musical performance by Yae.

Welcome speech:  Kyoshi Matsuya (Co-chair of Organising Committee, Member of Prefectural Assembly of Shizuioka)

Introductions by each group (1—2 minutes each).

Proposal of regulations/explanation of procedures.

Resolutions adopted

  •  To accept the APGN Simple Rules Option 2 as the working draft for consideration by the meeting.
  •  To accept the Revised Meeting Procedures for the conduct of the meeting.  The Meeting Management Group established by this resolution was:  Kosuke Shimizu (Japan, convener), Kerrie Tucker (Australia), Demetrio de Amaral (East Timor), Anne Larracas (Philippine), Bhum Yalagch (Mongolia), Didier Baron (New Caledonia), Ms Won (Korea).  Uma Shankari (India) was nominated by withdrew.

6.30 pm – 8.30 pm

Welcome party

Hosted by HBF.  Including music and performance.

Saturday 12 February

Kyoto Campus Plaza

10.00 am – 6.00 pm


  •  Human security and peace-making from the Green perspective

Chairs:  Corazon V. Fabros, Satomi Oba

  •  Experiences and policies on climate change in the Asia Pacific region

Chairs:  Margaret Blakers, Mie Asaoka

  •  The challenge of diversity in the Asia pacific region:  minority rights and participatory democracy

Chairs:  Bob Brown, Aiko Ogoshi

  •  Renewable energy workshop
  •  Local legislators’ workshop
  •  Young Greens meeting
  •  Large hydros
  •  Unpaid work
  •  Globalisation
  •  Complementary currencies

6.00 pm

Kyoto celebration

Simultaneous global walk to celebrate the Kyoto Protocol coming into force.

7.00 pm – 9.30 pm

Joint Party

Meeting Management Group – prepared for Sunday plenary, including nominations for Global Greens Coordination Group and APGN Membership Panel (plus voting option if required), proposed amendments to Simple Rules Option 2, resolutions.

Sunday 13 February

Kyoto Campus Plaza

9.30 am – 12.00 am

General meeting of the Asia Pacific Greens Network

Chaired by:  Kosuke Shimizu (Japan), Margaret Blakers (Australia)

Amendments to the Simple Rules of the Asia Pacific Greens Network.  Four minor amendments adopted by consensus (Simple Rules as adopted, attachment 3).

Mike Feinstein and Rachel Siewert appointed as returning officers.

Global Greens Coordination Group – 6 nominations, 3 positions.

Meeting Management Group recommendation (for two people to be selected and the third elected) was rejected.  Ballot (proportional, optional preferential) elected Margaret Blakers (Australia), Satoko Watanabe (Japan), Solomone Fifita (Pacific).

APGN Membership Panel.  6 nominations, 5—7 positions.

Meeting Management Group recommendation to approve all was rejected in favour of a ballot requiring two-thirds support for each candidate individually.  Elected:  Miriam Solomon (Australia), Moena Thibral (French Polynesia), Olzod Bum-Yalagch (Mongolia), Inwhan Jung (South Korea), Suresh Nautiyal (India), Liaquat Ali (Pakistan).

11 Resolutions adopted (attachment 4)

  •  Climate change and renewable energy
  •  A joint appeal on peace and security.
  •  The challenge of diversity – a commitment to promoting mutual understanding through dialogue and networking – towards non-violent and ecological solutions.
  •  3 resolutions on indigenous issues, including acknowledgement of traditional ownership and joint management of the Shiretoko Peninsula national park by Japan’s indigenous Ainu people.
  •  A call on all Governments to apply pressure for the release of Columbian Greens presidential candidate Ingrid Betancourt, and Clara Rojas kidnapped three years ago by FARC guerillas.
  •  Support for nomination to World Heritage of the coral reefs of New Caledonia.
  •  Appeals to the Australian Government, Japanese import companies, and the Australian Gunns logging company to stop the destruction of Tasmanian forests.
  •  A call to stop the Projects of the Eighth Oil RefineryPlant and the Formosa Steel Plant in Yunling County, Taiwan.
  •  A resolution urging Chiina to dismantle their missiles aimed at Taiwan and any other country in the Asia Pacific region.
  •  Shared view and appeal from the workshop on Challenges to the “ever-increasing waste”.
  •  A proposal to form the Asia Pacific Young Greens Network.


Mass walk

Everyone walked to the massive stairs of the Kyoto Railway Station for a photo session

Provisional members of the Asia Pacific Greens Network

23 groups from 27 countries

The Simple Rules adopted by the Kyoto meeting allow both Green political parties and political movements to be members of the APGN (Simple Rules – attachment ??).  The Rules establish criteria for membership and allowed any group at the Kyoto meeting to become a Provisional Member if they considered they met the criteria;  they were then entitled to participate in decision-making at the meeting.  27 groups from 23 countries took up this option;  to be fully accredited they will need to provide supporting information to the APGN Membership Panel by 30 May 2005.

AustraliaAustralian Greens

CambodiaSam Rainsy Party

East TimorHaburas Foundation

FijiPacific Concerns Resource Centre

India“Earth is a Family” (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam)

IndonesiaWorking Group on Power Sector Restructuring

JapanRainbow and Greens Japan

Kanagawa Network Movement

Green Japan

KoreaKorea Greens

MongoliaMongolian Green Party (Mongolyn Nogoon Nam)

NepalNepal Green Party

New CaledoniaGreens of New Caledonia (Les Verts Pacifique)

New ZealandGreen Party of Aotearoa New Zealand

PakistanPakistan Greens

Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinea Green Party

PhilippinesPhilippine Green Party

Philippine Greens

PolynesiaPolynesian Green Party (Heiura, Les Verts Polynesiens)

Samoa Pacific Green Movement Solomon IslandsSolomon Greens

Sri LankaGreen Party, Sri Lanka

Green Movement, Sri Lanka

TaiwanGreen Party Taiwan

ThailandThai Greens Coalition

TongaHuman Rights and Democracy Movement of Tonga

VanuatuVanuato Green Federation (La Confédération des Verts du Vanuatu)


6. Final session.Kerrie Tucker reads proposed resolutions, with Kosuke Shimizu and Margaret Blakers chairing. 7. Miriam Solomon’s nomination speech for Membership Panel (Mike Feinstein, Rachel Siewert chairing, Suresh Nautiyal in background. 8. Delegates vote: from left: Kerrie Tucker, Bob Muntz, Davaa Basandorj, Olzod Bum-Yalagch. 8. Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network. 9. Satoko Watanabe receives a gift of appreciation.

Attachment 1. Program

Attachment 2. Meeting Rules





To formalise the Asia Pacific Greens Network as a basis for information exchange and political cooperation, without creating too much of an administrative burden

To bring together Greens throughout Asia and the Pacific so they can get to know each other, exchange information and develop plans for political cooperation


The meeting will have a limited formal component where only delegates have speaking rights (to decide on the structure and rules of the Asia Pacific Greens Network, consider resolutions etc).



1.Confirm the founding membership of the Asia Pacific Greens Network

2.Consider and adopt the simple rules for the APGN

3.Select a membership assessment panel

4.Select three representatives for the Global Greens Coordination

5.Consider any resolutions submitted by a member of the APGN, provided it is supported by at least three other members.


1.Each country attending the meeting is entitled to three delegates with speaking rights.

2.If there is more than one party/movement in the country, they should negotiate how their entitlement is shared.

3.All delegates may participate in discussions.

4.Delegates representing Provisional Members of the Asia Pacific Greens Network are entitled to participate in decision-making, reaching decisions by consensus where possible.

5.   Voting.  Each country with one or more Provisional Member groups is entitled to three votes;  if there is more than one Provisional Member group, they should negotiate how their entitlement is shared.  If a vote is necessary a two-thirds majority of voting delegates is required to pass the motion (not including abstentions).

6.Simultaneous translation will not be available so everybody is responsible for helping others with translations.  The preferred language for speakers is English.

Provisional Membership

1.   Each group will need to decide by 1.30pm on Saturday 12 February whether they are likely to meet the membership criteria and want to be considered Provisional Members of the Network.

Resolutions and amendments to the Simple Rules

1.Resolutions supported by at least three Provisional Members will be accepted for consideration.  Please keep them short because translation will be difficult.  They should be in English, with translations into other languages if possible.

2.The preferred deadline for resolutions is 1.30 pm, Saturday 12 February.  The absolute deadline is 6.00 pm, Saturday 12 February.

3.   The deadline for amendments to the draft Simple Rules and for amendments to resolutions is 6.00 pm Saturday 12 February.

Nominations for the Membership Panel and the Global Greens Coordination

1.  Nominations for individuals supported by at least three Provisional Member groups will be accepted (there is no limit on the number of people that each Provisional Member group can nominate).

2.  Each nomination should include a brief supporting statement plus a picture if possible.

3.  Nominees do not have to be at the meeting but must belong to one of the Provisional Member groups.

4.  The preferred deadline for nominations is 1.30 pm, Saturday 12 February.  The absolute deadline is 6 pm, Saturday 12 February.


The conference organisers have established a Meeting Management Group to help the smooth running of the meeting.  This group is responsible for:

1.Receiving and considering proposed changes to the Simple Rules;  changes regarded as contentious will be highlighted for discussion at the plenary session on Sunday.

2.Receiving and organising resolutions for decision at the Sunday plenary session.

3.Receiving nominations for the Global Greens Coordination and the Membership Panel and recommending who should be appointed to each, taking into account the need for geographic representation, gender balance, experience and diversity.  The recommendations will need to be endorsed at the Sunday plenary.

The members of the Group are [their willingness to do this to be confirmed by Friday]:  Dr Uma Shankari (India), Dr Kosuke Shimizu (Japan), Bhum-Yalagch (Mongolia), Kerrie Tucker (Australia), Ms Won (Korea), Didier Baron (New Caledonia), Demetrio de Amaral (East Timor), Anne Larracas (Philippines).

Note.  Members of the Meeting Management Group nominated for the Membership Panel or Global Greens Coordination will stand aside during those discussions.  If more than one person has to stand aside, they will be replaced by the following people for that discussion only — Hemanta Luintal (Nepal), Moena Thibral (Tahiti), a nominee from Thailand.

Attachment 3. Simple Rules as amended and adopted

Asia Pacific Greens Network — Simple rules Option 2 

Note.  Option 2 amends sections 3 and 4 of the Rules to provide that all groups represented at the Kyoto meeting can become provisional members of the Network if they wish.  They would become full members after providing information to a Membership Panel, which would assess applications according to the membership criteria.


1. Functions of the Asia pacific greens (apg) 

1.1 To facilitate information exchange and networking, including by keeping an up to date contact list

1.2To co-operate politically towards the implementation of the Global Greens Charter

1.3To participate in the Global Greens


2.1Members of the APG must –

(a)  Be a Green party or political movement* in Asia or the Pacific region.

 (b)  Be accepted by existing members of the Network after assessment and recommendation by a panel based on the criteria below

2.2Membership criteria –

(a)  Abide by the Global Greens Charter

(b)  Be actively involved in parliamentary politics (where democratic structures and processes exist)

(c)  Welcome and involve women and men as active and equal participants

(d)  Be open to all ethnic, religious and other minorities

(e)  Operate in a democratic and open manner with clear rules and procedures

(f)  Be financially honest, open and accountable

(g)  Have a significant number of members

*A political movement is a community group with an explicit goal of involvement in democratic processes which is not yet a fully fledged party


3.1Groups at the Kyoto 2005 meeting who meet the membership criteria and wish to become members of the Network are Provisional Members.

3.2Provisional Members of the Network at the Kyoto meeting will select a panel of five to seven individuals to assess membership applications.  This Membership Panel should include geographic diversity, and women and men.

3.3By 30 May 2005, Provisional Members must submit the following information to the Membership Panel for assessment —

(a)  Constitution, rules of association or equivalent, including the ratification date.

(b)  A description of the organisation`s membership and activities.

(c)  The most recent financial statement, preferably audited.

(d)  Other supporting information, such as groups or individuals who could be consulted about the organisation and its activities.

(e)  A declaration, signed by the chairperson/convener, that the organisation is independent of economic interests, and state, religious and ethnic organisations.

(f)  Contact details, including where possible email, web page, phone, postal address.

3.4The Membership Panel will assess the information provided by each Provisional Member, consult as needed and decide by 31 July 2005 which Provisional Members will become full Members.

3.5Groups which do not fully meet the criteria may be accepted as Associate Members.

3.6The category of Provisional Member will cease on 31 July 2005 and groups which have failed to provide the information in 3.3 will no longer be members.  They are free to apply for membership or associate membership at any time in accordance with the ongoing membership process (section 4)

3.7   If consensus is not reached within the Membership Panel, a two-thirds vote will be required to carry decision.

3.8In the case of a dispute about the decision of the Membership Panel, Members and Provisional Members will be consulted with a view to resolving the dispute before 31 December 2005.


4.1The Membership Panel established at the Kyoto 2005 meeting will continue to assess applications for membership and associate membership until the next meeting of the Asia Pacific Greens Network.

4.2Any group may apply for membership by submitting the information in 3.3.  The Membership Panel will assess the information, consult widely and decide, within three months of receiving the application, whether the group should be a Member or Associate Member or be refused.

4.3Groups which do not fully meet the criteria or which do not wish to apply for full membership may be accepted as Associate Members.  Associate Members can participate but have no vote.


5.1The APG is entitled to three full members of the Global Greens Coordination (the decision-making body of the Global Greens).

5.2The Kyoto 2005 meeting will select three individuals as representatives on the Coordination for the next three years (or any other agreed period)


6.1The Network, Membership Panel and any working groups will operate by consensus.  If a vote is necessary, a two-thirds majority of voting members or delegates (not including abstentions) is required to pass the motion.

6.2    Each country with one or more membership group is entitled to three votes; if there is more than one member group, they should negotiate how their entitlement is shared.


7.1The next face to face meeting of the Network will be on or before 2010.  Electronic meetings can be convened as required.

7.2The Global Greens Coordination representatives and the Membership Panel will decide jointly when and where meetings will be held.

Attachment 4. Resolutions adopted

APGN Resolutions (adopted at the Asia-Pacific Greens Network Meeting, Kyoto, February 13th, 2005)


  1.  Climate Change and Renewable Energy 

In honour of the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol on February 16th 2005, we Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN) adopt the following resolutions in Kyoto Japan.   Global warming is very serious all over the world today, particularly in the Asia-Pacific area, resulting in drought, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, coastal erosion, heating, desertification and the spread of diseases.  These disasters are leading to a planet-wide catastrophe and untold suffering.  In order to cope with this, we must replace greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as rapidly as possible, using an effective mix of policies to replace fossil fuels and to strengthen the adaptation capacity and resilience of vulnerable communities.   We declare that renewable energy and energy efficiency have vital roles in achieving sustainable development in the Asia Pacific region. We recognize that energy is a fundamental factor in almost all economic and social activities as well as an indispensable factor for development in other public sectors such as education, health and communications.   To achieve these political proposals, we Asia Pacific Greens will take the following actions ―   1. We Greens from countries which have not ratified the Kyoto Protocol*, such as Australia, will campaign nationally for early ratification and a clear action plan.  For the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, we will all campaign for government and industry to set much higher voluntary and mandatory targets to realize large-scale reductions in GHG emissions.   2.      We Greens from developed countries in the Asia Pacific region will call on our own governments to ensure that they actively give financial and technical support to developing countries for sustainable renewable energy and energy efficiency, through overseas direct aid, Clean Development Mechanism(CDM) and other avenues.  We will also push for financing institutions to provide assistance for renewable energy, instist that project they support slash their greenhouse gas emissions, and take the climate impact of their project financing into account.   3.      We Greens in the Asia Pacific region will demand that all public sectors achieve GHG emission reductions through Green sustainable policies, such as the introduction of ecological taxation, promotion of sustainable transport and ecological housing.  We will reject waste incineration and nuclear power.  We will continue to strongly oppose the logging of natural growth  forests, and encourage replanting, which helps avoid global warming by absorbing large amounts of CO2. We will also encourage research to reduce methane from livestock.   4.      We Asia Pacific Greens will pressure governments and electricity companies to establish high targets for expanding renewable energy, and call on governments in each country to promote renewable energy in the most effective ways.  For example, industrial countries should introduce a Feed-in-Tariff system, which works better than Renewable Portfolio Standards.  Public sectors in industrial countries should also develop new large-scale markets for renewable energy.

5. We Greens in Asia and the Pacific will adopt a specific campaign to convert the entire Pacific region to renewable energy, building on the work already underway, such as through the Pacific Islands Greenhouse Gas Abatement through Renewable Energy Project(PIGGAREP).  This will include making renewable energy a priority for aid programs.

6.Building on the information compiled for the Kyoto meeting, we will establish and publicise a Green data base on renewable energy in Asia and the Pacific to help our campaign.

  1.  Joint Appeal on Peace and Security

Although the 21st century has started, and 20 years have passed after the end of the Cold War, the world is still suffering from increasing poverty and starvation, conflicts and wars in various regions, and oppression against human rights.

In the midst of this situation, the US government is ignoring the opinion of the international society and forcing its way towards military actions, as was seen with the attack against Iraq.  This has caused even more confusion, more conflicts, and more victims.  Governments of countries like Japan, South Korea and Australia have been its supportive followers.

Parallelly, various countries in the Asia Pacific Region are still having repeated ethnic and religious conflicts, including oppression against minorities.The number of victims amounted to dozens of thousand this last year alone.  Besides, the tension towards an international conflict is raising especially at North-East Asia.

Thus, most of the governments in our region are supporting the unilateralism of the US government at the international level, whereas some of others compete for leadership in this region. They all refuse to adopt solutions to oppression and seeds of conflicts at the national level. This represents a common trend of detachment of these governments from serving the true interests of their citizens.

We, as Greens, must eliminate root causes of conflicts, resolve the background tension and collisions, promote better mutual understanding and actively create peace through non-violent means.

For that purpose, we agree upon the following;

1) Fundamental principle of non-violence

In this era of constant conflicts, we emphasise as an essential principle that we shall put even more energy and power towards the implementation of a philosophy that will resolve international conflicts through non-violent measure.

2) Framework to prevent and resolve conflicts

We need to promote the philosophy of non-violence in society and existing systems, strengthen and establish the concept of democracy and human rights, and thus expand a peaceful environment.  We should at the same time create a concrete framework and  process in order to reduce and prevent opportunities for military actions. We firstly need to strengthen the function of the UN and other international organisations as bodies to control conflicts and maintain peace, and thoroughly democratise such organisations.  Under such organisations and other regional frameworks, we then need to study and realise conflict resolution schemes at various levels, including but not restricted to, restricting arms trade,  dismantling military cliques, militia and child soldiers, extending emergency aid to refugees and supporting them with their return and self-help.

When we look at the complication of many recent conflicts, it is difficult to unconditionally deny the necessity of international intervention against vast violation of human rights, which may sometimes involve physical force including military force.  However, in order to keep it genuinely effective and limited to the minimum, we should adjust various frameworks and systems to ensure justice and strict conditions, legitimate operations, control over form and power of such forces, rights to refuse participation, compensation for damage, assessment beforehand and afterwards, etc.

In addition to such framework development at the national level, it is the role of civil society and municipalities, with their mutual cooperation, is also important as bodies to create peace.

3) Resolution of background factors of conflicts and terror

There is no doubt that economic unfairness and poverty have much to do with causes of conflicts and terror, and are keeping it difficult to resolve them.  If international institutions and agreements continue to be manipulated for the interests of specific enterprises and investors, then the real problems can never be genuinely resolved. Therefore, we should work on issues such as re-examination economic growth, more fair distribution of ‘wealth’, fundamental resolution of oppression and poverty, controlling activities of enterprises and investments, inter-regional and international adjustment of policies for environment and energy, etc.

4) Cultural approach for peace

Besides eliminating physical battles and violence, it is also very important to dissolve cultural oppression and discrimination, and to promote understanding and respect towards other ethnic groups, race, culture, religion and gender groups.  The importance of this issue is proved by the fact that violence at conflict times tends to target discriminated and oppressed weak groups of the society.

For that sake, we consider it essential to adopt and expand the concept of non-violence into the educational/cultural policies of our countries and regions, and consider creating multinational/regional common history textbooks.

5) Tsunami at Offshore Sumatra – Urgent Additional Issue and Proposal

Finally, as is widely discussed in the UN at the present moment, large-scale disasters and infectious diseases should be examined from the ‘Human Security’ point of view.  With the Tsunami disaster of Sumatra at the end of 2004, for example, it is important to recognize the fact that poverty at the affected area has worsened the situation.  Moreover, many of the affected areas are also conflict areas, and some parts are therefore experiencing difficulties with aid activities, and/or expansion of existing military conflicts.

Foreign military forces are dispatched as emergency support for rescue and restoration. Although it may have been acceptable for the time being, we shall urgently discuss ways to minimize and substitute actions by military bodies, such as, establishing an international organization with a primary mission of disaster rescue, and strengthening support for NGOs, etc.

On top of that, we shall make an urgent proposal, as a joint project of the Greens of this region, to carry out a possible aid campaign and establish a joint investigation commission for this new crisis.

We must examine peace and security issues, both globally and regionally, through the above mentioned viewpoints and subjects.  We must especially respect the role of the joint efforts of the global civil society.  Therefore, we shall create practical systems and frameworks, based on and cooperating with the civil society, in order to resolve various problems of the present time.

  1.  The challenge of diversity in the Asia Pacific Regions: Minority rights and participatory democracy

When we come from different social, historical, religious or cultural backgrounds, it is not an easy task for us to understand and respect other people’s values and viewpoints.

Living in the 21st century, we still face the reality of life in which minority* and indigoes peoples’ rights are violated and democratic processes are disregarded. We even witness to such scene in which nominal democracy is utilized to oppress minorities and indigoes peoples.

Indifference to this is by itself an act of oppression. Each of us must do something against the oppression. Imagination, tolerance and a determination for coexistence is necessary for a sustainable future. We refuse to accept the world where decisions are made without participation of minorities and indigenous peoples and socially disadvantaged peoples in the political process.

The wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, and more recently the Asian megaquake disaster, have proved again that women, children, elderly people, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples and other socially marginalized groups are the most vulnerable in such circumstances.

We commit ourselves to promote mutual understanding through dialogue and networking. We exchange views and experiences beyond such dividing boundaries as state, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientations, social class, economy and culture. The problems faced by each group may have particular differences, but there can be a common, realistic solution. To reach that, we must form and maintain a network in order to exchange ideas without prejudice and to collaborate towards a common goal.

Our solution should be non-violent and ecological.

Political decision-making should not exclude minorities, indigenous peoples or socially disadvantaged groups who we welcome to take active part in the Green political agenda.

*Minorities are groups of people differentiated by factors such as state, race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, social class, economy, and culture who, as a result, are discriminated against or lack power.

  1.  Shared view and appeal from the workshop on Challenges to the “ever-increasing waste” 

We declare to change our way of life to decrease the waste, and we also propose to impose extended producer’s responsibility (EPR).

We propose to change the policy of promoting refuse derived fuel (RDF) plants and gasification fusion incinerators whose technologies are unaccomplished and based on ever-increasing waste, and we also propose not to export these dangerous technologies abroad.

  1.  Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Cultures

The participants of the workshop on “Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Cultures” during the APG Kyoto Meeting have resolved as follows, and request that the Plenary Session of APG adopt it and include it in the conference resolutions:

  1. Concerns have been expressed by participants at this Asia Pacific Kyoto Meeting that the voices of the indigenous Ainu people are excluded from the conservation planning of Shiretoko Peninsula national park. In the course of possible inscription of Shiretoko into the UNESCO World Heritage, both the governmental and non-governmental organizations should take the Ainu people’s history and culture in the area into full consideration. Joint management of the national park with the Ainu people must be established as a matter of priority.
  1. Acknowledgement of and respect to indigenous sovereignty, traditional ownership, and environmental wisdom and experiences of the indigenous peoples should be an essential basis of the Green political movements in the Asia Pacific region.
  1. All future meetings of APG Network should acknowledge and pay respect to the traditional owners of the place in which the meeting is held in an appropriate manner according the cultural protocol of the indigenous people of the area.

NOTE: The resolutions are as agreed at the “Indigenous People’s Rights and Cultures” workshop held 12th.2.05;  affirmed at the “Challenge of diversity in the Asia Pacific region: minority rights and participatory democracy session held 12.2.05.

  1.  Resolution against the destruction of Tasmania’s wild and scenic forests for paper-making in Japan

This conference of the Asia Pacific Greens notes the destruction of Tasmania’s wild and scenic forests for paper-making in Japan.

  1. We call on the Australian and Tasmanian governments to protect the forests including the Tarkine, Styx, Weld and Blue Tier forests.
  1. We call on Japanese import companies, Nippon Paper, Oji, and Mitsubishi to buy hardwood woodchips from plantations and not wild forests and
  1. We call on Tasmanian woodchips company Gunns Ltd. to stop logging in these forests and to stop poisoning native wild life.

Resolution passed by workshop 12/2/05


  1.  Proposal To Form The Asia Pacific Young Greens Network

We, the Young Greens attending the Asia Pacific Greens Kyoto Meeting 2005, propose to form the Asia pacific Young Greens Network.

This network will initially be informal and consist of an email list.

The email list will be open to everybody.

Australia will be the temporary coordinator.

Our objectives are as follows:

  • to share information, experience and strategies
  • to investigate the possibility of shared projects
  • to support campaigns and organizations in the region and around the world

Further details will be discussed and decided via email.

12 February 2005

Campus Plaza Kyoto, Kyoto Japan

Proposed by:

Caroline Ayling (Australia)

Kazumi Inamura (Japan)

Sumiko Iwasaki (Japan)

Won-Jung Byun (Korea)

Chang-Lim Lee (Korea)

Dulgun (Mongolia)

Rachael Ruegg (New Zealand)

Liaquat Ali (Pakistan)

Rior Santos (Philippines)

Calvin Wen (Taiwan)

Observer and support

Leonardo Alvarez Roma (Mexico)

  1.  Ingrid Betancourt, Clara Rojas, Colombia Greens

On 23 February 2005it will be three years since Colombian Greens’ presidential candidate, Ingrid Betancourt , and Clara Rojas were kidnapped by FARC guerillas.

They and more than 2000 other citizens remain in captivity.

We Asia Pacific Greens call on all our governments to pressure the Uribe government in Colombia to make a humanitarian agreement for the freeing of kidnap victims and prisoners.

Supported by:

1. Ian Ewen-Street MP, NZ Greens

2. M. Solomon, Australian Greens

3. Rainbow and Greens Japan

4. Greens in New Caledonia

  1.  Nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage list of areas of outstanding universal value in New Caledonia

Feb. 2005.

From Greens in New Caledonia

D. Baron

Noting the resolution passed at the Asia Pacific Green Parties meeting in Brisbane, Australia in 2000, to support a nomination for the coral reefs of New Caledonia to be listed as World Heritage under the World Heritage Convention;

Further noting the under representation globally of marine sites on the World Heritage list;

Encouraged by the support for the nomination from the Kanak people as represented by the Kanak Senate in their advocacy at the Global Greens conference in Canberra, Australia in 2001;

Grateful for the effort of Green Party members and conservation organizations throughout the world but especially in France, New Caledonia and Australia in furthering the development of a nomination and in advocating for recognition of traditional knowledge and cultural rights in the management of the proposed site;

Welcoming the announcement in January 2005 by French President Jacques Chirac that his government would support the listing of areas of outstanding universal value in New Caledonia as World Heritage.

This meeting of the Asia Pacific Green Parties meeting in Kyoto, Japan, February 2005,

  1. Reaffirms its support for nomination to the World Heritage list of areas of outstanding universal value in New Caledonia;
  2. Supports the development and submission of a nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage Centre by January 2006;
  3. Commits to advocacy thereafter in support of the listing of the nominated site.

Proposed by Didier Baron.

Endorsed by:

Moena Thibral, French Polynesia (Heiura Les Verts Polynesiens)

Fipe Tuitubou, Fiji

M. Solomon, Australia

Resolutions 10 and 11 are specifically related to Taiwan, 2005/2/13


  1.   Say No To Co2-Intensive Development Projects;  Stop the Projects of the Eighth Oil Refinery Plant and the Formosa Steel Plant in Yunling County, Taiwan

 At a time when the world community is jointly seeking to reduce CO2 emissions and to address the problem of global warming, we support the Green Party Taiwan to stand against the 8th Oil Refinery Plant project that is invested by the Chinese Petroleum Corp and the Steel Plant project that is invested by the Formosa Plastics Corp. The two projects located in Yunling County are expected to add nearly 60 million tons of carbon to national annual releases, that is, more than 20% of the total emissions over the 1990 levels of Taiwan (or 10% of the current emissions).

It is irresponsible for the Taiwan government to increase Taiwan’s level of CO2 emissions when Taiwan is already a high-emissions country, and the threat of global warming is real and imminent.  We strongly urge that the Taiwan government reverse their approval immediately.  If they do not do so, we will call for international sanctions.

  1.   Dismantle Chinese Missiles Aimed at Taiwan

We believe that the political conflict between China and Taiwan can be solved through democratic and diplomatic means.  We urge China to dismantle their missiles aimed at Taiwan and any other country in the Asia Pacific region.


Attachment 5.  Renewable Energy 2005:  From Bonn to Kyoto towards China

Kyoto International Community House, Friday 11 February 2005

Organised by Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBF) in cooperation with the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP)




Barbara Unmussig

HBF Germany

Part 1

Renewable energies:  why and how?

Chair:  Margaret Blakers

Australian Greens


The role of Green movements in promoting renewable energy

Senator Bob Brown

Australian Greens


Climate change as a challenge for developing and industrialised countries

Mie Asaoka

Kiko Network, Japan


Lessons learned from renewable policies and politics in Japan

Tetsuari Iida

ISEP, Japan

Part 2

Renewable energies:  regional experiences

Chair:  Klaus Linsenmeier

HBF, Germany


Energy policy:  Germany’s two sides

Jurgen Maier

German Forum for Environment and Development


Philippine movements and initiatives for renewable energies

Red Constantino

Greenpeace International, Philippines


Korean citizens promoting renewables

Choi Yul

Korean NGO Network for Renewable Energies

Part 3

Renewable energies:  international processes and strategies

Chair:  Mika Ohbayashi

ISEP, Japan


International conference for renewable energies – a success

Barbara Unmussig

HBF, Germany


Present status and future prospects for the development of renewable energy in China

Wang Zhongying

Renewable Energy Development Center of the Energy Research Institute, China


From Bonn 2004 to China 2005:  challenges and opportunities in promoting renewable strategies internationally

Uwe Fritsche

Okoinstitute, Darmstadt, Germany


Closing remarks

Tetsunari Iida

ISEP, Japan

Attachment 6. Election results

The Global Greens Coordination Group and APGN Membership Panel

Three new APGN representatives were elected to the Global Greens Coordination Group, a group of 12 people from four regions (Federation of Green Parties of Africa, Federation of the Green Parties of the Americas, Asia-Pacific Green Federation, European Federation of Green Parties).


  • Margaret Blakers from Australia,
  • Satoko Watanabe from Japan, and
  • Solomone Fifita from the Pacific Green movement.

The meeting elected six members to the APGN Membership Panel. The role of the APGN membership panel is to assess applications for membership and associate membership until the next meeting of the Asia Pacific Greens Network, and also to decide jointly, with the Global Greens Coordination representatives, when and where APGN meetings will be held.


  • Miriam Solomon from Australia,
  • Moena Thibral from French Polynesia,
  • Olzod Bum-Yalagch from Mongolia,
  • Inwhan Jung from South Korea,
  • Suresh Nautiyal from India, and
  • Liaquat Ali from Pakistan.


Attachment 7.  Australian Greens support

Australian Greens Global Greens Reference Group, 2005

(allocated funds from Australia and gave logistical support)

Margaret Blakers (Asia-Pacific representative, Global Greens Coordination Group, assistant, Rainbow and Greens, Japan)

Deb Foskey (Australian Greens international secretary, 2003-4)

Stewart Jackson (Australian Greens Convenor, 2005)

Miriam Solomon (Australian Greens international secretary, 2005)

Australian Greens team  

Caroline Ayling (NSW).  Australian Young Greens spokesperson, Assistant

Margaret Blakers (Tasmania).  Member, Global Greens Coordinaton Group, Australian Global Greens Reference Group, 2005. Advisor to organisers.

Bob Brown (Tasmania). Senator for Tasmania, Australian Federal Parliament.

Kumi Kato (Queensland).  Japanese-English Interpreter, Assistant

Monica Morgan (Victoria),  Indigenous spokesperson.

Bob Muntz (Victoria).  Member of Australian Delegation.

Rachel Siewert (Western Australia), Senator elect for Western Australia, Federal Parliament of Australia, Member of Australian Delegation.

Miriam Solomon (Victoria).  Convenor, Australian Greens Global Greens Reference Group, 2005, Convener, Australian delegation team, International Secretary, Australian Greens

Kerrie Tucker (ACT). Former MLA, ACT, Australia, Member of Australian Delegation.

Jane Bange (Tasmania), Assistant.

Overseas delegates supported by the Australian Greens

East Timor

Demetrio de Amaral, Haburas Foundation

Santina Amaral Fernandes, FOKUPERS (Forum Komunikasi Perempuan – Women Communication Forum)


Fabby Tumiwa, Working Group on Power Sector Restructuring (WGPSR)

Solomon Islands

Paul Daokalia

Sri Lanka 

(part contribution with New Zealand Greens and Rainbow and Greens Japan)

Suranjan Kodithuwakku, Green Movement of Sri Lanka

Costs to Australian Greens

Support for overseas participantsapprox $13,000 AUD

Support for Australian participantsapprox $10,000 AUD

Administrationapprox $1,000 AUD

02/13/2005 – 13:00


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