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Asia-Pacific Greens Federation condemns Israeli assaults on Palestinians during Ramadan

The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) condemns the Israeli attacks on Palestinians during Ramadan and calls on the international community to take action to end the ongoing violence and dispossession of Palestinians in the occupied Palestinian territories and in Israel.

The APGF condemns the raid on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Haram al Sharif in occupied East Jerusalem on the 15th of April by Israeli forces. Nearly 160 Palestinians were injured by Israeli forces and hundreds were arrested. The Islamic Endowment that manages the Al-Aqsa Mosque and surrounds stated that Israeli police entered by force before dawn on the 15th of April, as thousands of worshippers were gathered at the mosque for early Friday morning prayers.

The APGF, an alliance of the Green parties in the Asia-Pacific region, strongly believes that the de facto annexation of Palestinian territories, and the illegal violent actions in occupied East Jerusalem and throughout the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories, violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. The imposition of an apartheid rule throughout these territories and in Israel is also condemned.

Palestinians have witnessed an increase in violence over the past month with Israeli forces stepping up raids, shootings, and arrests of civilians across the illegally occupied West Bank. A small number of individual Palestinians have also attacked individuals in cities in Israel. The federation of the Green parties in the Asia-Pacific region strongly believes that no confrontation can be resolved with the use of violence.

Assaults by the Israeli security forces in Jerusalem catalysed confrontation in Gaza and Israel just one year ago, also during the holy month of Ramadan. The repeat of such provocations, only one year after the 2021 escalation, raises serious concerns for those who wish peace to prevail over apartheid.

The APGF asserts that the actions of the Israeli security forces and government have led to the violation of human rights and illegally stripped the Palestinian people off their homes and lands. Global accountability and the imposition of international law and justice is paramount.

Enduring peace can only be achieved through truth and a two-state solution, lest the horrors since 1948 continue to strip future generations of the rights stolen over the past 74 years.


Authorised by Ayah Abdouny, co-Convenor, Asia-Pacific Greens Federation


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