APGFWN Webinar/ Mini Course – Skill Development and leadership program for women

Asia Pacific Green Federation Women’s Network(APGFWN) is organizing 3 Modules of webinar starting first module in April, June and August. Join us in this series of webinars to learn the skills and techniques required in setting up a women network , facilitating and organizing meetings and developing and planning strategy for the election campaign and implementing it! 

The 1st module in the month of April is Setting up Women’s Network in Green Parties by Anita Nautiyal ,India Greens Party Co Founder and the case study on the revitalizing Women’s Network will be presented by Rachana Shrestha.

The 2nd Module will be held in June on Facilitating and organising meetings by Linda Esler, NSW Green, Councillor for Canterbury-Bankstown Council. Local group delegate to NSW State Delegates’ Council (SDC)

The 3rd Module will be held in August on developing an election campaign – developing a strategy and plan and implementing it by Nada Zaaroor, Former President Green Party of Lebanon

Register through :  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpcOivqTMsEtwgWkvSBFXrN_yjoTQxdVMh

03/30/2021 – 17:15


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