APGF Secretary Recruitment

Job Description:

The Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) is seeking a Secretary!

The APGF is a Federation of national Green parties, social and environmental organisations from across Asia and Oceania united by shared core values of social justice, sustainability, non-violence, participatory democracy, respect for diversity, and ecological wisdom and our joint-effort to foster these values through political means as outlined in our Global Greens Charter.

The APGF Secretary’s role is to build the capacity of our organisation and members to embody our values in both policies and practice so that we can achieve political change in our societies through mutually supportive partnerships that collaboratively solve the world’s problems through Green approaches.

The Secretary achieves this by managing and developing the APGF Secretariat whose main functions are:

  1. supporting the organisation of APGF affairs;
  2. facilitating communication throughout the APGF; and
  3. overseeing financial administration and staff.

As an employee of the APGF, the Secretary will be under the direction of the APGF Coordination Committee (APGCC).  While the role requires political sensitivity and skill, the Secretary will not be responsible for political matters which remains the prerogative of the APGCC and the APGF Congresses. This is an exciting opportunity to play a central role in the development of Asia’s most dynamic and progressive political force.

Responsibilities of the APGF Secretary:

1. Integrity:

  • Assist the APGCC and APGF Members to ensure the integrity and implementation of the Global Greens Charter.

2. Communications:

  • liaise regularly with member parties and the general public to inform and engage them in the APGF’s activities;
  • facilitate information exchange and networking,
  • Manage the APGF website and database, keeping them updated with fresh material and accurate membership information;
  • use social media to advance the APGF’s objectives;
  • publish the APGF newsletter regularly;
  • support the organisation of APGF Congresses and other meetings;
  • organise fact finding missions to parties;

3. Capacity Building:

  • facilitate the exchange of skills and support through the preparation of capacity-building programs for APGF members;
  • foster the APGF as a learning organization that builds the capacity of members to be exemplars of our core values;

4. Joint-Action:

  • Enable collaboration between the APGF and related organisations such as the Asia-Pacific Young Greens Network (APYGN) and the Global Greens;
  • co-ordinate APGF Member secretariats’ participation in Green campaigns, projects, working groups and networks;
  • assist with the implementation of APGF & Global Green resolutions;
  • establish and oversee working committees to ensure members are involved in the APGF’s operations;

5. Administration:

  • liaise with the Convenor for guidance on the day-to-day management of the APGF;
  • report to the APGCC on the Secretariat’s activities and the political and organisational developments within the APGF;
  • ensure legal requirements are met by the APGF;
  • systematise APGF operations and learning;
  • provide administrative and organisational assistance to the APGCC so that their decisions may be executed fully and their meetings function smoothly including assisting with the preparation and circulation of agenda and minutes;
  • oversee the work of APGF volunteers and interns;
  • assist with the organisation of the next APGN Congress.
  • Project Management – Support APGF with the writing of project proposals. Also, set up administration and reporting systems for approved projects, and manage those projects through to successful delivery.

6. Financial:

  • Assiste the Treasurer, Resource Mobilisation committee and the APGCC on the fundraising programme planning and development;
  • maintain effective and transparent financial administration;
  • apply for and oversee APGF grants.

Selection Criteria:


  1. commitment to Greens principles and policies;
  2. Demonstrated political understanding and diplomatic sensitivity;
  3. Demonstrated ability to work independently and with strong organizational skills;
  4. Excellent people skills, including ability to relate well to people from different backgrounds;
  5. Strong organizational skills and demonstrated ability to manage complex projects;
  6. English fluency, including strong written and verbal communication skills;
  7. Proficiency with standard computer programs, including word processing and databases.
  8. Experience with budgets and financial management;


  1. Experience working with websites particularly for content management;
  2. Familiarity with Drupal and CiviCRM or similar contact management systems would be an advantage;
  3. Experience in recruiting and working with volunteers;

Salary and Conditions

  • This position is currently dependent on funded from the Australian Political Parties for Democracy Program.
  • The preferred starting date is October 2014 and is currently set to last 1 year.  The position may be renewed afterwards.
  • The Secretary would receive a monthly salary appropriate for a mid-level NGO manager of his/her country of residence;.
  • The Secretary will be responsible to the APGCC.  And on a day-to-day basis will be responsible to the APGF Convener.
  • The position will involve travel as required.


08/24/2014 – 00:00


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