A global, green statement for COP26

The 100 Green Parties around the world are perhaps the most diverse and yet united political movement in the world and we want that movement, our movement, to speak with one strong voice at COP.

Dear Global Green family, 

The 100 Green Parties around the world are perhaps the most diverse and yet united political movement in the world and we want that movement, our movement, to speak with one strong voice at COP.

So, the Green Party of England and Wales is looking to create a short statement of aims to challenge the COP and all the national delegations. 

We are looking for the top five things that are important to your Party and that you want to see in that statement. We have put together a very short survey to collect ideas: 

We are reaching out to Green Parties all over that world to help formulate a truly global message. Thanks in advance for your input!

Best wishes, 

Alice hubbard

On behalf of the Green Party of England and Wales COP26 Steering Group  International Coordinator (together with Michal Chantkowki)

PS: If you replied to our previous request – our thanks! No need to fill this in!

— Español —

Hola familia Global Green,

Los 100 partidos verdes alrededor del mundo son quizás el movimiento político más diverso y unido del planeta y queremos que ese movimiento, nuestro movimiento, hable con una voz fuerte en la COP.

Por eso, el Partido Verde de Inglaterra y Gales está buscando to create a brief declaration of objectivos para desafiar to the COP y a todas las delegaciones nacionales.

Queremos identificar las cinco cosas Principales that its important para su partido y that desearían ver en esa declaración. Hemos hecho una encuesta breve para recoger ideas:

Our estamos comunicando con los Partidos Verdes de todo el mundo para that our ayuden has formulated a mensaje verdaderamente global. Gracias de antemano por tu contribución!


Alice hubbard

In number del Grupo Directivo COP26 del Partido Verde de Inglaterra y Gales  Coordinador Internacional (junto con Michal Chantkowki)

PD: Si respondió a nuestra solicitud anterior, ¡nuestro agradecimiento! – no necesitamos que completes este formulario. 


Dear Global Green family,

The 100 Green Parties around the world are perhaps the most diverse and yet the most united political movement in the world and we want this movement, our movement, to speak with one strong voice at the COP.

Thus, the Green Party of England and Wales seeks to create a short statement of goals to challenge the COP and all national delegations.

We’re looking for the top five things that are important to your political party and that you want to see in this statement. We have set up a very short survey to collect ideas:

We reach out to Green parties around the world to help formulate a truly global message. Thank you in advance for your contribution!

Sincere friendships,

Alice hubbard

On behalf of the COP26 Steering Group of the Green Party of England and Wales  International Coordinator (with Michal Chantkowki)


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