2015 is the year for leadership on climate change and inequality

The Green Party has set its two key political priorities for the next term as tackling climate change and inequality and has issued a challenge to the Government to make 2015 the year it wages war on both.

In his speech in reply at Parliament today, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman will say the Green Party would focus on the twin crises facing our nation and the world – climate change and inequality.

“In 2015, we can end child poverty and take steps to avoid the worst impact of climate change,” Dr Norman said.

“Inequality and climate change are the two biggest threats to our future, and the Green Party will spend the next three years ensuring the Government focuses on both.

“While the Government is mired in by-election scandals and its desire to take New Zealand to war in the Middle East, the Green Party will take the fight to the real and present threats facing New Zealanders – climate change and inequality.

“The time has come for John Key to lead, not merely manage New Zealand as we face down these challenges. Business as usual over the next three years will only make both inequality and climate change worse.

“Under National, our carbon emissions have gone up by 20 percent and 35,000 more kids are living in severe poverty.

“The Green Party is ready to roll up our sleeves up and get into the issues. We’ll work with any political party prepared to take the fight to the big issues that matter to New Zealand.

“This month the Government will have an opportunity to make a real difference to children in poverty by supporting Metiria Turei’s Feed the Kids Bill to Select Committee, where MPs can hear from the experts and come up with the best way of feeding hungry school children.

“Metiria’s Bill is a crucial opportunity to work out the best solutions for our hungry kids. It should not fail at its first hurdle because of partisan politics. Our children are too important.

“For too long New Zealand has taken a back seat in the global efforts to deal to climate change and inequality.

“It’s time for us to take a front seat and wage war on the real threats facing New Zealand’s future – climate change and inequality,” Dr Norman said.

Read the full speech at: https://www.asiapacificgreens.org/news/nz-greens-opening-parliament-speech-february-2015

02/10/2015 – 09:33


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