Join us – March 29th to April 1st 2012 Global Greens Congress | Dakar 2012
A new deal for the planet, democracy, peace and justice
The Global Green Coordination, the African Greens Federation and the Federation of Democratic Ecologists in Senegal (FEDES) are glad to invite you to the next Global Green Congress to be held in Dakar, Senegal from March 29th to April 1st, 2012.
The first Global Greens Congress in Canberra, Australia, 2001, established the Global Greens Charter. The second congress in Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2008, ad- opted the 21 commitments for the 21st century. In 2012..
The Global Greens are committed to tackling the social and ecological crises facing humanity and the planet. The third Global Greens Congress in Dakar, Senegal, will focus on planning for action adn help shape Green politics for the next five years.
Themes of the congress:
- Global Green New Deal and green economy,
- Promoting and supporting democracy and peace in Africa and globally,
- Preserving of biodiveristy, especially in marine environments,
- Tackling climate change and supporting the clean energy revolution,
- Taking the next step to strengthen the Global Greens.
Please donate: to support the participation of delegates from low-income countries
Pre-registration: preregister2012
More Info: congress@
08/08/2011 – 12:00