Our Vision -

The Global Greens Charter

APGF’s Vision is the full enactment of the Global Greens Charter. It is a unique and inspiring document which sets out our core values of ecological wisdom, social justice, equality, freedom, participatory democracy, non-violence, sustainability and respect for diversity.



 The Global Greens Charter was adopted by consensus at the 1st Global Greens Congress in Canberra in 2001. The core of the document sets out the principles that bind together Greens from around the world: ecological wisdom, social justice, participatory democracy, nonviolence, sustainability and respect for diversity. The second section is a ‘political action’ plan covering some of the most pressing problems facing the world. This section was reviewed and updated at the 3rd Global Greens Congress in Dakar, Senegal in 2012.

The Charter is the foundational Greens’ document. It draws upon the charters and constitutions of Green parties around the world, as well as some ideas from the Earth Charter and from the 1st Planetary Gathering of Greens at Rio in 1992. Over two years in the making, the original 2001 version went through numerous revisions as comments and amendments were incorporated. In Canberra, hundreds more amendments were proposed.  Debates and negotiations culminated on the final afternoon of the Congress in a riveting session where contentious clauses were decided one by one on the floor.  The finished Charter was adopted by acclamation, a truly momentous accomplishment. 

The Global Greens Charter has been translated into a number of languages, available below for download.  We welcome you to contribute a translation of the Charter in your language!


헌장을 현지 언어로 번역하려면 다음 연락처로 연락하십시오. secretary@asiapacificgreens.org.

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