NZ Green Party launches major climate protection plan

The Green Party has today announced a suite of major election policies to transition New Zealand to carbon neutrality by 2050, including a charge on carbon that will be returned to all households as a Climate Tax Cut on the first $2000 of income, leaving Kiwi families better off.

The components of the Green Party climate protection plan are:

  1. A goal of net carbon neutrality by 2050

  2. The establishment of an independent Climate Commission to provide expert and independent advice to the government on: carbon prices, carbon budgets, and complementary measures to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050

  3. The phasing out of the failed Emissions Trading Scheme and an initial price on carbon of: $25 per tonne on CO2 equivalent emissions for all sectors except agriculture. Dairy emissions will pay $12.50 per tonne. Forestry will be credited at $12.50 per tonne

  4. The recycling of all revenue raised from a carbon charge back to families and businesses through a $2000 income tax-free band and a one percent company tax cut. The Climate Tax Cut will leave households will be better off

  5. A suite of complementary measures to support the rapid transition to a carbon neutral economy


“The Green Party is the only political party offering a win-win plan to protect the climate and benefit households,” said Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman, who made the announcement during a speech at the Party’s election year AGM today.

“Climate change is the most challenging issue of our time. How we respond to it will define the kind of future our children inherit.

“The Green Party’s plan will future-proof our economy and put New Zealand firmly back in the global green race, all while leaving households better off.

“Green leadership will ensure all New Zealanders benefit from action to protect the climate.”

The Green Party plan includes a simple and transparent tax on pollution, the revenue from which will all go back to New Zealand households and businesses in the form of a Climate Tax Cut.

“We can reduce our emissions without hurting household budgets. Households will be on average $319 better off every year under the Green Party policy,” said Dr Norman.

“National’s failed emissions trading scheme (ETS) has burdened households with unfair costs, driven up emissions and allowed businesses to profit from pollution. The ETS is a lose-lose-lose rort.

“We will not allow households to continue shouldering the cost of pollution, as they currently do under the failed ETS. Polluters should pay for the damage they do, not households.

“We are determined to preserve our economy as we transition to a low carbon future. That is why we have also built a significant tax cut for businesses into our plan.

“We will ensure ordinary Kiwis and New Zealand businesses benefit from the transition to a cleaner, smarter economy.

“Successive Governments’ weak climate policies have driven up New Zealand’s emissions, locked in high carbon investment, and made New Zealand part of the global climate problem. The Green Party will ensure New Zealand is part of the solution,” said Dr Norman.

For a copy of the Climate Protection Plan, go to:

Authorised by Russel Norman, Parliament Buildings, Wellington. 

06/03/2014 – 21:28


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