Last man standing: Life alone on a disappearing island

A harrowing article, well worth reading, written by Madeleine Chapman of The Spinoff.  This is so relevant to the work we do, and thinking about those living in the Pacific Islands, and the work ahead for the Green Party of the Solomon Islands. 

Climate change is harsh reality for the Pacific Islands. Madeleine Chapman travelled to the Solomon Islands with World Vision to meet the communities whose lives are already being upturned by climate change.

“The skipper navigated our banana boat through wooden posts that shot out of the ocean like tombstones. Beyond them, on an island no wider than 50 metres, stood a lone house. The last home standing on the remains of a thriving village.

It rains a lot in Walande. It never used to, but now it’s rainy season for six months of the year on the group of small islands situated off the east coast of South Malaita island. The days we spent there were perpetually wet, small streams forming on the side of the walkway that cuts through the village of about 100 homes. In a cluster of small islands that, from above, look like sandy slices of paradise, Walande is distinctly grey and muddy, a low rocky cliff surrounding it.

The community’s near 500 residents were pushed onto this settlement after tidal waves destroyed their homes and forced the vast majority of them to migrate from Walande Island over the past 20 years. It’s now a community divided, with Walande Island their former home and Walande now referring to the mainland where most of the community have moved…”

See more at The Spinoff

08/29/2017 – 08:43


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