Green Party hosts Asia Pacific Greens Federation congress where climate change is top of the agenda

Media Advisory:

What: Asia Pacific Greens Federation 3rd 회의
When: Friday 12 June – Sunday 14 June 2015 
Where: Silverstream Retreat, 3 Reynolds Bach Drive, Lower Hutt
Who: More than 130 representatives from Green parties in the Asia Pacific region


Key events:  

  • Regional climate change emissions report presented by Green MP Dr Kennedy Graham – Friday at 11am
  • Leaders panel – Friday at 11.10am
  • Keynote speech and policy proposal launch by Green Co-leader James Shaw – Sunday at 11.30am

The Green Party is hosting representatives from Green parties across the Asia Pacific region this weekend, who are coming together to address the implications of climate change and look for solutions to the biggest issue facing the world today.

Delegates include representatives from Australia’s Green Party, five of whom are members of Australia’s senate. New Australian Greens leader Richard di Natale will be attending as well as former leader Christine Milne.

In total, 16 countries will be represented including Nepal, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Mongolia, Japan, Taiwan, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.

On the congress’ programme are sessions led by Green Party Aotearoa New Zealand MPs.

Co-leader James Shaw will announce a policy proposal that will introduce an innovative approach to legislation and climate change.

A paper discussing how some of the smallest nations in the Asia Pacific region suffer the most from climate change, yet contribute little to the cause of the problem, will also be presented.

The congress programme includes a leaders panel session where Green party representatives from Australia, Japan, Nepal, Taiwan, Mongolia and India among others will discuss the challenges they face as the effects of climate change become more prevalent.

For more information:

Kimberley Rothwell, Political and Media Advisor, 04 817 6723, 021 253 8915

Authorised by James Shaw, Parliament Buildings, Wellington.

Current photographs of Green MPs and Green Party logos can be downloaded from

06/11/2015 – 07:16


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