Global Greens concern about attack on Pakistan Green

Pakistan Greens Chair Liaquat Ali Shaikh, his wife and driver were attacked at gunpoint and robbed on June 19, 2013 in Hyerabad city, Sindh province, Pakistan.  This follows the murder of a Greens activist during the Greens’ 2012 election campaign.  Preceding this campaign Liaquat Shaikh was kidnapped and held for a week to deter him from continuing in Green politics. The Global Greens express grave concern at this latest attack and call for the Pakistan authorities to investigate thoroughly, including to determine whether the attack was politically motivated.

The new Pakistan government has the responsibility to promote human and civil rights including the ability of political parties to organise and peacefully promote their views. The continuing violence against the Pakistan Greens is unacceptable and proper protection should be provided to enable them to continue their work in peace.

06/22/2013 – 14:23


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