Exciting opportunity – Gender Equity Project Coordinator of the APGF Women’s Network – CLOSED


*** Applications for this position have now closed***
This is an exciting opportunity to work as the Gender Equity Project Coordinator of the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation Women’s Network! 


This is a fixed-term 11 month role of approximately 20-30 hours per week that can be done from home anywhere in the Asia Pacific region.  If you are a woman and have a passion for international Green politics and experience working in Gender Equity policy, training and implementation, this is a great opportunity for you. 



The Asia Pacific Green Federation Women’s Network (APGFWN) was formed in November 2015 to bring together women from the Asia Pacific and the Middle East who are working with Green parties for the betterment of a way forward for our planet and who unite to face their unique difficulties in their own countries. The Members are from Australia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Palestine, Pakistan, Philippines, Solomon Island, Bangladesh, PNG, and Taiwan. The network facilitates better understanding and action on women’s equal participation in political and party structures and activities. Its goal is to increase women’s empowerment as agents of political, environmental, and social change.

The role:

The APGFWN project coordinator is necessary to continue the work of the Women’s Network and the Women’s Network intern, whose position ends 31 July, with a view to developing the projects on mentoring, webinars, online toolkits, gender equity in country training and the essential follow up support. As the Gender Equity program is rolled out in a number of countries it will require considerable follow up and support that can no longer be sustained voluntarily.


The overall goals of the Project Coordinator role are: 

  1. To further build the APGF Women’s Network
  2. To manage and coordinate all the APGFWN projects, including the Gender Equity Toolkit, Mentorship Program, APGFWN Meetings, and APGF IDC Project Team meetings 

Specific goals of the role include:

  1. Overseeing the Gender Equity program and associated in-country trainings
  2. Supporting the set-up and success of new women’s groups in APGF Green parties
  3. Building the APGFWN membership and network
  4. Contributing to leadership training initiatives 
  5. Overseeing the implementation of all program activities
  6. Design future strategies to further the agenda of Gender Equity within APGF

Key Responsibilities:

The Project Coordinator will be involved in following tasks:

  1. Facilitate the development of the Asia Pacific Green Federation Women’s Network by overseeing project work and the Gender Equity program
  2. Oversee social media and online strategy for the APGF Facebook/social media and website
  3. Coordinate the APGFWN Project Team by providing administrative support and leadership
  4. Build and develop APGFWN further by coordinating and managing meetings.
  5. Provide relevant knowledge on Gender Equity materials such as the online GE toolkit, communications platforms and training initiatives.
  6. Support and coordinate Gender Equity programs within the Federation and with the Global Greens
  7. Provide a monthly report on activities undertaken to the APGF Secretary, APGFWN co-Convenor, and Australian Greens International Development Committee

We also anticipate the APGFWN Gender Equity Project Coordinator role to include communication and administration tasks as follows:

  1. Liaise regularly with member parties to inform and engage them in the APGFWN activities
  2. Facilitate information exchange and networking on APGFWN program and national programs
  3. Support the organisation of meetings


The Project Coordinator will report to the APGFWN co-Convenors and Project Team on project matters, and the APGF General Secretary on organisational and human resource matters.

The role and its performance will be reviewed after 6 months.

Skills and attributes:

Note: Due to the nature and logistics of this role, eligibility is limited only to women who live in the Asia Pacific region, including the Middle East.

The Project Coordinator should have:

  • Essential: 
    • Experience in managing projects
    • Experience on working on Gender Equity
    • Capacity to carry the value of Greens and the Global Greens Charter
    • Experience within the APGF region (preferably from a non-OECD country within the region)
    • Experience working in Green politics
    • Commitment to and an understanding of Greens principles and policies;
    • Demonstrated political understanding and diplomatic sensitivity;
    • Demonstrated ability to work independently and with strong organisational skills;
    • Excellent people skills, including the ability to relate well to people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds;
    • Strong organisational skills and demonstrated ability to manage complex projects;
    • English fluency, including strong written and verbal communication skills;
    • Proficiency with standard computer programs, including word processing and databases;
    • Experience with budgets and financial management.
  • Desirable:
    • Experience working with websites particularly for content management;
    • Familiarity with Drupal, CiviCRM, WordPress, or similar contact management systems would be an advantage.

Payments, conditions, and other

  • This is an 11 month fixed term contract, beginning early August 2020 and ending 30 June 2021
  • The total value of this contract is $10,000 Australian dollars. The schedule of payments will be negotiated between the successful applicant and APGF
  • The Gender Equity Coordinator role operates as an independently contracted one, and is not an employee of APGF. As such, the Coordinator will be responsible for their own tax and other statutory liabilities. 

  • Hours of work are flexible, though there are regular online meetings that happen at set times, which the Coordinator must attend.
  • The position may involve international travel. A current passport is essential.

How to apply:

Applications should be sent to secretary@asiapacificgreens.org  by Wednesday 8th July 2020 , 12am Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). Your application should include:

  • Your resume or CV, and
  • A cover letter of no more than two pages, describing:
      • Your experience in project management,
      • Your experience in Gender Equity policy, training, and implementation, and
      • Your connection to the Greens or the green political movement


06/24/2020 – 16:43


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