The Asia Pacific Greens Network celebrates The Indonesia Green Party’s (Sarekat Hijau Indonesia) inauguration on June 5, 2012 in Bandung, Indonesia!
The Indonesia Green Party joins the world’s fastest growing political family – the Greens – and as an official member of the Global Greens and Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN) The Indonesia Green Party is founded on the principles of:
- Social justice’s interdependence with environmental justice;
- Participatory democracy, in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives;
- 비폭력, asserting that security does not rest on military strength but on cooperation, sound economic and social development, environmental safety, and respect for human rights.
- Sustianability, so the needs of both present and future generations are satisfied;
- Respect for Diversity, to build respectful, positive and responsible relationships across lines of division in the spirit of a multi-cultural society; and
- Ecological Wisdom, acknowledging that humanity depends on the planet’s resources and must ensure the resilience of life supporting systems.
Over 100 Green Parties across the world are united with the Indonesia Green Party in our commitment to closing the gap between rich and poor and building a citizenship based on equal rights for all individuals in all spheres of social, economic, political and cultural life. We recognize that the environment ignores borders between countries and together we are dedicated to cooperation rather than competition as a pre-requisite for ensuring the guarantee of such human rights as nutritious food, comfortable shelter, health, education, fair labour, free speech, clean air, potable water and an unspoilt natural environment.
The APGN Green Parties of Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Sri Lanka congratulate and support The Indonesia Green Party’s service to the Indonesian people and leadership of our world community.
With respect and appreciation,
Keli Yen,
I am happy to comment as an Asia Pacific member of the Global Greens Coordination.
We are delighted that the Indonesia Green Party will be launched on World Environment Day, 5 June 2012 and warmly welcome the world’s newest Green party to the growing Global Greens family.
The Indonesian Greens will be part of a democratic movement working for the environment, peace and justice in Indonesia and globally.
They will join Green parties around the world. In our region, they include Green parties in Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, New Zealand and more. Globally, there are parties throughout Europe, Africa and the Americas.
The Greens will give the Indonesian people an important choice in future elections. We are particularly glad to see green values given a voice in a country as significant as Indonesia.
We look forward to working closely with the Indonesian Greens as they grow and wish them well for the future.
Other contacts:
Asia Pacific Greens: Ms Keli Yen, Green Party of Taiwan and Convener of the Asia Pacific Greens
Australian Greens: Senator Christine Milne, Leader of the Australian Greens. Contact via Anna Reynolds
European Greens: Steve Emmott, European Greens Council
Best wishes,
Margaret Blakers
06/05/2012 – 12:00