Newsletter: August 2021

Interview with Australian Greens Senator Mehreen Faruqi

In this interview, Dr. Mehreen Faruqi discussed building strong movements through collaboration, feminism, and "Feeling the fear but doing it anyway".

A Green Vision for the Solomon Islands

In the Solomon Islands, climate change isn’t a future concern – its effects are very real and very worrying right now.

The Solomon Islands Green Party is building its capacity and power, and shaping a vision for the future that the people can believe in.

What is APGF’s Gender Equity training program?

In their homes, workplaces, and societies, women are too often dismissed, overlooked, and held back by patriarchal oppression.

APGF’s Gender Equity trainings are an invaluable tool to push back; to focus on the strategies, tactics and solidarity women can use to fight for fairness

Save the Date: Connecting for Green Action

Miss feeling the solidarity of the global Green movement? No more!

We're inviting you to attend Connecting For Green Action - a major virtual conference which will be held in 5 February 2022.

The conference is open to everyone to attend, so register your interest today. Are you interested in being a speaker, running a workshop, moderating a panel or facilitating a session? Submit your proposal or idea and we'll be in touch to discuss next steps.

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