#TogetherWeRise – Please support the Asia Pacific Greens Federation in 2020!

APGF works across our region to support Green political organisations both established and emerging. We need your help to continue growing a strong Green movement for ecological and social justice

The Asia Pacific Greens Federation’s mission is to work in every country in our region to build strong Green movements, based on democracy, sustainability, justice and peace.

These movements speak truth to power, are proudly political, and fiercely defend the natural environment and the communities who rely on it.

Our Federation exists to serve our people and our planet. We speak for those who cannot or are prevented from speaking for themselves. 

We act for those who will come after us, to build thriving communities and nourish a healthy environment for them to pass on when the time comes.

We have spent the last decade building a solid foundation for our work.

We have strategic, operational and fundraising plans. We have built multiple networks throughout our members including our women and youth networks, and across the world through the Global Greens.

We have made a real difference for our members and we know we can do more.

But we can’t do it without you.

Our aim is to deliver six more projects in the next year. We know that our members have limited opportunities for development so we need to be ready to go when they are.

This is a critical time in human history and we need to ensure that strong progressive political voices have every support they need.

Please join our campaign today and #TogetherWeRise


08/18/2020 – 15:41

En rapport

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