Re Civilians – Israel, Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories


We, the Asia Pacific Greens Federation, are alarmed and horrified by the escalating violence and the  mounting civilian death toll in Israel, Gaza and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The shocking  killings and abductions, especially on children, women and the most vulnerable show an absolute disregard  for life; further, absolute aberrations against the human rights and international laws that are in place to  protect Mother Earth and Her Peoples. The UN Security Council, of which Asia and the Pacific are permanent  members, must act to prevent the spread of the conflict to neighbouring states such as Lebanon and Iran.  They must agree to new political discussions and actions to address these extreme breaches against all of us. 

 under any circumstances. The relentless air strikes are killing entire families and communities; there is no  safe place and the peoples do not have any security. We are very concerned that Gaza will be cut off from all  basic amenities of water, food, electricity and fuel. This will cause unimaginable suffering and civilians will  continue to pay the price of these war crimes with their lives. The Fourth Geneva Convention guarantees  all Palestinian civilians are granted rights as “protected persons’ and this must be enforced so they have their  guaranteed Freedoms; and we further endorse that is the only way that Palestinian Peace and Justice will  occur in the region. We call for an immediate end to this senseless and costly violence and war. 

We urge you, our Representative at the global and international fora to do all you can to ensure that this war  crime is addressed with the utmost urgency. This cycle of violence meted on innocent civilians must stop.  This hate war crime has to end. We add our voices to the international hue and cry that you must all do  everything possible to end these atrocities against the Civilian People in these territories, and against  humanity. We write this urgent communication remembering our APGF Member, the Green Party Palestine  and their families. We remember them in our prayers and our thoughts go out to them.  

In Solidarity for the Peoples

Authorized by: Tika Bhandari, APGF  Co-Convenor

En rapport

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