Feed Nepal Quake Victims

Dear Asia Pacific Greens friends and family,

Thank you so much for your kind and great concern about the effects of the recent earthquake on Nepalese people.

The Nepali Greens are working at the local level to help earthquake victims. Information received from our members and media report indicate that people are suffering from hunger. They do not have access to adequate, healthy and nutritious foods including clean drinking water. We fear that food deficiency could make them much more vulnerable to disease. That’s why, the Nepali Greens and the Team for Nature and Wildlife (TNW) have launched the initiative “Let’s feed #NepalQuake Victims”.

We are collecting food and in-kind donations to purchase foods, and setting up a community kitchen to cook foods and serve the victims with adequate and nutritious foods. We are feeding nearly 800 family per community. At the global level the Global Youth Forum for Food Agriculture & Land (GYFAL) is coordinating this initiative.

Because of the negligence of Nepali politicians and political parties to respond to the earthquake, the people are now completely disobeying political parties and politicians. That’s why, we are going to serve the victimized people as a civil society and as a good human being following the principle of love, compassion, service and humanity.

We request you to promote this initiative globally and to work together to raise funds and manage foods to feed the hungry stomachs.

I have attached information about our initiative and ways of contributing fund or food to this initiative

The information about our initiative can be obtained through http://gyfal.org/letsfeednepalquakevictims.html

It is extremely sad that the government is not doing enough to provide relief services to the victims in terms of foods, medicines and shelter. There is an immediate need to provide food to the victims. The people are eating meat of dead animals due to food shortages. That’s why, we need funds immediately to serve the hungry people with adequate and nutritious foods. Receiving donations through bank could take at least 2 weeks as per our experience. If it is possible, we encourage donors to send fund through money transfer like western union directly.

To feed nearly 800 family members or 4000 people per community requires a lot of foods and funds too. I would like to request Global Greens and APGF to support our initiative of feeding the victims. I would also like to request you to promote our initiative to your network so that we can generate maximum resources to feed the hungry stomachs.

Thanks again for your great assistance in this difficult time.

Best Regards,
Ballav Timalsina
Joint Secretary/International Communication Coordinator, 
Nepali Greens Party

Secretariat, Green Institute
P.O.Box 7403, Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: 977 1 44 79 173
Email: info@greencivilsociety.org

05/05/2015 – 09:37

En rapport

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