Enacted by the 8th current session of Civil Will Green Party, dated January 28, 2012.
Article 1. Concept, Name, Logo and Colours of the Party
1.1. The party is committed to provide reforms in the society in compliance with the economy based on private properties and green development while embracing democracy, human rights, liberty and justice, and treasuring and renewing the traditional thought in the environmental policy
1.2. The party which follows principles of democracy, human rights and freedom to lead the country for the stable social-economic development concerning sound ecology gives equal opportunity to every citizen to live and lead happy and prosperous life in Mongolia according to his/her will and honest labour.
1.3. The party is named as ‘Иргэний Зориг Ногоон Нам’ (in Mongolian) abbreviated as “ИЗНН” which is translated as ‘Civil Will-Green Party’ in English.
1.4. The party logo is the white falcon which symbolizes courage and wisdom flying the path of justice and honesty under the eternal blue sky.
1.5. The party colours is a rectangular flag (at 1:2 ratio) with the white falcon in the blue isosceles triangle, (the odd side of the triangle is also the left side of the flag and the angle opposite the side meets the center of the right side of the flag) resembling blue and eternal sky, framed by white lines (on isosceles sides) and the rest of which is green. (images of the logo and the colours are attached with the rules)
the party colours is a rectangular flag (at 1:2 ratio) consisted of green background on which there is a blue isosceles triangle, resembling blue and eternal sky, framed by white lines and the rest of the flag is green
Article 2. Operational and Development Policy Principles
2.1. Operation/Function provided by the party is to be in compliance with provision in the Article 5, Law on Political Parties and the following principles for the development policy are to be followed as well:
2.2.1. Solidarity of the people is in first place above than any other interests.
2.2.2. Always open to strengthen the party capacity, access to the membership, win new supporters and merge other parties into the party.
2.2.3. Available to renew members (if necessary) of the local self governing bodies (party local organizations) and representative offices for the party – to keep rotation in the
Article 3. Miscellaneous
3.1. According of the Registration Law on Legal Entities, having been registered by the Supreme Court, the party is to be considered as a rightful legal subject/enitiy and is requested to have brochure/poster/printed materials with logo and flag on it.
3.2. It is permitted for the party, under itself, to have organizations for the youth or elderly or women, political policy institutions and research institutions.
3.3. Factors such as structure, management, operation/function and internal rules of the organizations and institutions under the party are organized according to their own procedures. Candidates for the position of the Head (chairman) of the organizations or instittutions are announced by the Party’s Political Council.
3.4. Political factions concerning issues discussed in the Party Convention and National Committee of the Party are allowed in the party. Once the initiator of the faction notifies the Party’s Political Council of the faction establishment
3.5. Initiative to establish faction is approved when more than one thirds of the members in the Parliament and National Committee favour the initiative.
Article 4. Party Supporter
4.1. Individual who expresses his/her support for the party’s ideology, principle and platform is considered and registered as the party supporter. The term ‘supporter’ may include any legal subject who expressed his/her will to show moral or physical/property assistance.
4.2. Having considered the formal and written suggestion by the supporter himself/herself, the supporter is allowed to be announced as a candidate for the Parliamentary Election on the behalf of the party.
4.3. When the party makes political decisions, any ideas and suggestions presented by the supporter are considered equally as those by the party member. Issues such as registration of the supporters and exchange of opinions among them are arranged by the designated procedure which is processed out by the Party’s Internal Affairs Committee and approved by the National Committee.
Article 5. Party Member
5.1. Individual who accepts ideology, principle, rule and programme of the party and joins the party voluntarily according to the membership procedure is a ‘party member’.
5.2. Members of the parties, which have been merged with the party, who have not denied or not been resigned of his/her current membership are considered as the party members.
Article 6. Membership
6.1. Mongolian citizen who is at the age of 18 or older is allowed to join the party.
6.2. Applicant for the party membership is to apply to the primary party organization in his/her place of residence first to fill out and sign on the party membership questionnaire form prepared by the Party Secretariate.
6.3. In case there is no primary party organization in his/her place of residence founded, the applicant is to apply to the party committee (organization) of the district and aimag following the application procedure in 6.2.
6.4. The applicant’s filled out membership form is registered by and the applicant is issued political party membership card by the party organization where the applicant have applied.
6.5. Questions such as job, position, home address, phone number, e-mail address, internet accessibility must be included in the form to make it easier to exchange information with the new member and see if the member is available to be enrolled in the training,
6.6. Procedure for information exchange with the party members via internet or any other source is to be processed out by the Party’s Internal Affairs Committee and approved by the Party’s National Committee.
Article 7. Rights and Duties of Member
7.1. Party member enjoys rights and duties to:
7.1.1. constantly participate in the activities conducted by the party and free expression of his/her opinions;
7.1.2. be elected as a member of local party organizations and governing bodies of the party;
7.1.3. participate in the function to select members of the local party organizations, governing bodies of the party and party representatives’ office;
7.1.4. suggest proposals, request information, make criticisms and demand response for issues regarding the operations and activity conducted by the party;
7.1.5. advertise the party policy to the public;
7.1.6. leave the party voluntarily on the basis of formal written letter and rejoin the party;
7.1.7. stand as candidate in elections of all levels;
7.1.8. recommend a candidate for elections of all levels and show proper support to the candidate and participate in the campaign;
7.1.9. follow the resolution passed by the party;
7.1.10. support the party operation financially or with his/her commitment;
7.1.11. pay member’s subscription in due time as a party member and electoral member;
7.1.12. be nominated by the party recommendation for the awards of the party and state;
7.1.13. and follow the prinicples of party member morality.
7.2. The party member is not tolerated to have two parties affiliation (belong to two different parties at the same time).
7.3. Morality Principles are approved by the National Committee
Article 8. Member’s Subscription and Contribution
8.1. Policy, amount, payment date and regulation of the member’s subscription is arranged by the Financial Policy Committee and approved by the National Committee.
8.2. Party members and supporters are free to make contribution (donation) to the party on their own will. However, the amount of the contribution should not exceed the sum stated in the Law on Political Parties (one million tugriks by individual citizen and ten million by legal entity). Contribution donated in non-currency form is evaluated/assessed in monetary term.
8.3. The maximum amount of the contribution, to the party and the candidate from the party for the Parliamentary Election, by individual is one million tugriks and by legal entity is three million tugriks, according to the Law on Parliamentray Election of Mongolia.
8.4. The party is not allowed to take contribution from the subject specified in the Article 18.7, Law on Political Parties.
8.5. Sum paid as member’s subscription and contribution is deposited in one account.
Article 9. Penalty Action on Party Member and Electoral Member
9.1. Party member or electoral member is subject to the penalty action on following grounds:
9.1.1. Party member who stands as an independent candidate in elections of any level is to be expelled from the party by the resolution of the Party Political Council;
9.1.2. Party member who is found by Party Inspection Commission to have two parties affiliation is to be expelled from the party;
9.1.3. Party member who is nominated as candidate in election of any levels but fails to perform accordingly with the contract made between him and the party is to be expelled;
9.1.4. Party member who is found, by the Inspection Commission, guilty of violating the party rules twice or more or violating morality principles of the party is to be given harsh warning or expelled;
9.1.5. Electoral member who is found by the Party Inspection Commission to have failed to fullfill his duty accordingly is to be deposed of/revoked from his position;
9.1.6. Electoral member who is found Party Inspection Agency to have failed to pay member’s subscription for two months in a row is to be deposed of his position;
9.2. Procedure of penalty action on member of local party organization is approved by the conference of local aprty organization.
Article 10. Types of Penalty
10.1. There are three types of penalty:
10.1.1. deposition off the position;
10.1.2. warning to expel from the party;
10.1.3. expulsion from the party.
Article 11. Primary Party Organization
11.1. The primary party organizations are called as:
11.1.1. ‘Party Group’ in bags (smallest of administrative units in Mongolia);
11.1.2. ‘Party Unit Office’ in soums and micro districts;
11.1.3. ‘Party Commission’ Намын хороо in aimags, districts and capital city.
11.2. Primary party organizations specified in the Article 11.1 are called local party organizations in the party rules.
Article 12. Establishment of Local Party Organizations in Bag, Soum and Micro District
12.1. When there are more than three members of the party in bag, local party organization (party group) can be established.
12.2. When there are more than eight members of the party in soum and micro district, local party organization (party unit office) can be established.
12.3. It is allowed to have one local party organization (party unit office) between several soums or several micro districts.
12.4. The resolutions by the first annual conference held by the local party organizations of bag, soum and micro district may include:
12.4.1. resolution to establish party group in bag, and party unit offices in soum or micro district;
12.4.2. selection of the Head and Deputy Head of local party organizations;
12.4.3. selection of leaders of local party organizations;
12.4.4. selection of the head and members (no less than three) of Inspection Commission;
12.4.5. and organizational structure of the local party organization’s office.
Article 13. Rights and Duties of Local Party Organization
13.1. Local party organization is a self financing and independent entity which bears following duties to:
13.1.1. implement the party policy and conduct related activities in the local area;
13.1.2. work in relation with the public, carry out research among residents, investigate the complaints and requests, and provide management of the party with required information;
13.1.3. carry out activities to increase the number of the party members and keep records of the registered members;
13.1.4. advertise party policy to the public;
13.1.5. keep the members constantly provided with information regarding party operations;
13.1.6. show required assistance and support to the candidate for the elections of various levels;
13.1.7. convey the members’ opinions regarding documents and resolutions by the governing bodies of the party and party representatives’ office;
13.1.8. recommend satisfactory members for the state awards;
13.2. Party commission of the capital enjoys following rights and duties in addition to the provision specified in the Article 13.1:
13.2.1. provide party commissions of districts with leadership;
13.2.2. conduct political functions between party members and supporters to implement and advertise the party policy;
13.2.3. and suggest proposal regarding party’s trained/educated personnel to work in the governmental administrative organizations
Article 14. Local Governing Body of the Party
14.1. Local Governing Body for each local party organization is session called:
14.1.1. ‘Plenary Meeting’ in bag, soum and micro district;
14.1.2. and ‘Plenum’ in aimag, district and capital city.
14.2. Local Governing Body specified in 14.1 enjoys its authority via the session which is held once in four years.
14.3. Term of office for each session is the same as that of the Party Convention.
14.4. Date and number of the representatives for the plenums of aimag, district and capital city is announced by the Party Conference.
14.5. Following issues are discussed at the Plenums of aimag, district and capital city:
14.5.1. selection and approval of the members for conference of aimag, district and capital city;
14.5.2. approval of the local election platform;
14.5.3. approval of the candidate for the local election;
14.5.4. evaluation of the operation by the local administration;
14.5.5. resolution to participate in the local election, make coalition with other parties and annulment of the resolution
Article 15. Local Representative Organization
15.1. Representative office in charge of conducting operations between ‘Plenums’ of the aimag, district and capital city is ‘Conference’
15.2. In the conference which is held annually, the following issues are discussed:
15.2.1. Selection of the Head and Deputy Head of the Party Commission of the aimag, district and capital city;
15.2.2. Selection of the Head and members (at keast three members) of the Inspection Commission;
15.2.3. organizational structure of the Party Commission;
15.2.4. selection of the Chief members of the the Party Commission of the aimag, district and capital city;
15.2.5. recommendation, according to the 20.3, of members of the Party Commission for the National Committee;
15.2.6. approval of the annual budget and report of the budget expenditure;
15.2.7. recommendation of member, from the Party Commission for Parliamentary Election, to the National Committee.
15.3. Conference consists of:
15.3.1. one member representing party unit office in soum and micro district each;
15.3.2. heads of the party unit offices in soum and micro district;
15.3.3. heads and members of Inspection Commissions under the Party Commissions in soum and micro district;
15.3.4. one member from each bag located at the center of aimag;
15.3.5. lead members of the party commissions.
15.4. Conference is held with attendance of no less than 50% of the total representatives from party unit offices in the aimag or district. Resolution by the conference is valid by the majority vote.
15.5. Term of office for the conference is the same as that of the ‘Plenary meeting’ and ‘Plenum’.
Article 16. Representatives of the Conference
16.1. Representatives of the Conference are in charge of local party organizations between conferences, as administration.
16.2. Representatives are:
16.2.1. five members elected from the Plenary Meetings in soum and micro districts;
16.2.2. eleven to fifteen members elected from plenum in aimag, district and capital city.
Artcile 17. Administration of the Local Party Organization
17.1. Administration of the Local Party Organization which conducts daily activities of the local aprty organization consists of:
17.1.1. head and deputy head of the party group in bag;
17.1.2. head and deputy head of the party unit office in soum and micro district;
17.1.3. head and deputy head of the party commission in aimag and district.
Article 18. Supreme Governing Body of the Party
18.1. According to the Law on Political Parties, Supreme Governing Body of the Party is the Party Convention.
18.2. The Party Convention is held annually.
18.3. Date and number of the representatives for the convention is announced by the National Committee.
18.4. Extraordinary/Special convention is announced and held by the request of more than three quarters of National Committee members. Procedure for date and regulation of the extraordinary convention is the same as that of the Convention.
Article 19. Authority of the Convention
19.1. Following issues are to be discussed at the Party Convention only, according to the Law on Political Parties:
19.1.1. rules and platform of the party;
19.1.2. election and resignation of the Party Chairman;
19.1.3. term of office for the Party Chairman;
19.1.4. establishment and term of office of the National Committee;
19.1.5. selection of the members of Inspection Commission and term of office of the commission;
19.1.6 readjustment of the party or suspension of the party operations;
19.1.7. change of the party name.
19.2. The convention starts with attendance of two thirds of the members and the resolution is active by the majority vote.
19.3. Convention procedure is regulated by the Convention itself.
Article 20. Representative Organization or National Committee of the Party
20.1. National Committee of the Partyconsisted of members from Convention is a central representative organization responsible for political policy making.
20.2. National Committee consists of 210 members.
20.3. Following members are selected in the National Committee:
20.3.1. members from Party Commission no more than twice the number of the mandates in the aimag for Parliamentary election;
20.3.2. members from Party Commission no more than twice the number of the mandates in the district for Parliamentary election;
20.3.4. heads of the Party Commissions in aimag, district and capital city;
20.3.5. 27 members recommended by the Political Council.
20.3.6. Party Leaders.
20.4. No less than 30% of the total members of Nnational Committee is to be members of female gender. The same quota applies for the Political Council.
20.5 National Committee enjoys its power via National Convention. Term of office of the National Convention is the same as that of Party Convention.
20.6. Expiry of the term of office for the National Committee applies to its members. No more than two thirds of the previous members can be elected (in rotation) for the National Committee.
20.7. Expiry grounds for the term of office of National Committee member is when:
20.7.1. Term of office for the National Committee is completed;
20.7.2. there is a formal and written suggestion by member ;
20.7.3. he/she is subject to the penalty actions specified in 10.1.1 and 10.1.3;
20.7.4. member is deceased.
20.8. Expiry grounds for the term of office for National Committee member apply to the member of Political Council and Inspection Commission.
20.9. A new member can be appointed to replace the one whose term of office has expired according to provision in the sub articles of 20.7.2-20.7.4. Remains of the previous member’s term of office is to be considered term of office for the new one.
Article 21. Session of National Committee
21.1. There are two types of Session of National Committee – regular and special. Regular session is held no less than twice a year. Session date is set by the Political Council and members are notified week prior to the date. Items in agenda can be submitted to the members before the session starts and their ideas can be submitted in advance back via letter or e-mail.
21.2. By the approval of three quarters of members, items not included in the agenda can be discussed.
21.3. By the request of one third of the members, special session is held. To announce special session, Political Council is to set the date and announce a week earlier. Items in agenda can be submitted to the members before the session starts and their ideas can be submitted back, in advance, via letter or e-mail. By the approval of three quarters of members, items not included in the agenda can be discussed.
21.4. Session is held with attendance of no less than 50% of the total National Committee members. Session resolution is considered active by the majority vote (excluding provision in 22.2).
21.5. Resolution passed by the National Committee Session is a decree which is valid with the signatures of the session chairman and representatives. Minutes of the session is signed by the chairman. Party Secretariate is responsible for assignment of the personnel in charge of storage and archive of the minutes.
21.6. Procedure for the National Committee Session is declared by the National Committee itself.
Article 22. Authority of the National Committee
22.1. The following items in agenda are to be discussed at the National Committee Session
22.1.1. updates in the rules and platform of the party;
22.1.2. recommendation for replacement member in the National Committee;
22.1.3. assignment, resignation and revocation of the National Committee members;
22.1.4. assignment of Head of the Inspection Commission, recommendation for replacement member and revocation;
22.1.5. assignment, resigantioon and revocation of the vice-chairman of the party, secretary general and secretary;
22.1.6. proclamation of honorary chairman of the party, if necessary;
22.1.7. make evaluation and assessment on the party operation according to the annual reports;
22.1.8. approval of the recommendation for candidate for Parliamentray election;
22.1.9 approval of the election platform.
22.1.10. ballot and recommendation of the candidate for the presidential election in case the party wins seats in the parliament;
22.1.11. decision making or suspension of decision making regarding participation in various elections independently or merging with other parties;
22.1.12. approval of the nannual party budget;
22.1.13. examination of ammual budget expenditure;
22.1.14. approval of the regulations and procedures related with the party rules;
22.1.15. discussion on isues presented by Poliical Council and Internal Affiars Committee of the Party.
22.2. If it is found compulsory, some of the rights specialized in the Law on Political Parties to be enjoyed by the national Committee is to be transferred to the Political Council. The transference of the rights is valid with the majority vote.
22.3. No less than 20% of the candidates proposed by the National Committee for Parliamentray election is to be consisted of woman.
22.4. Internal Affiars Committee of the Party is responsible for the internal procedure of candidacy that is approved by the National Committee.
Article 23. Organizational Structure of the Policy Committee
23.1. Policy Committee, under the National Committee, conducts its activity in the fields of State policy and Party policy.
23.2. Standing committees in the field of State policy:
23.2.1. Security and foreign relations;
23.2.2. Green development;
23.2.3. Social development, education, culture and science;
23.2.4. Budget and Financial;
23.2.5. Governmental and justice.
23.3. Standing committees in the field of Party policy:
23.3.1. party internal affairs;
23.3.3. party foreign affairs;
23.3.2. party financial.
23.4. If necessary, required changes and updates can be applied to the structure of the Policy Committee.
Article 24. System of Policy Committee
24.1. Policy Committee is consisted of National Committee members, no less than 20. Each standing committee or sub committee is supervised by the vice chairman or secretaries of the party.
24.2. Issues of committee members, head of the committee, responsibilities and working principle are processed out by the Policy Committee and approved by the National Committee.
24.3. It is a part of duties of the committees to show assistance to parliament members elected from the party by supplying required documents, projects, research and counseling.
24.4. Policy committees are free to have several expat or national counsellors.
24.5. According to 24.3, committees are entitled to the right to present issues to the Political Council or national Committee to discuss and request response or information.
24.6. Reports by each committee is to be investigated and evaluated by Political Council annually.
Article 25. Central Governing Body of the Party
25.1. Central Governing Body of the Party is Political Council which operates party activities between the sessions of National Committee.
25.2. Political Council consists of no more than 41 members from the National Committee. Leaders of the party, specified in the 27.1, are among the members by their ranks.
25.3. Session of the Political Council is announced and held at leat once in a quarter. Special session is to be announced earlier than the due date by the request of one third of the members and approval by the party chairman.
25.4. Political Council Session starts with the attendance of no less than 50% of the members present and resolution is considered valid with majority vote.
25.5. Resolution passed by the Session is considered as decree which is valid with the signatures of the session chairman. Procedure of storage and archive of the minutes is speicified in the 21.5.
25.6. Term of office for the Political Council is the same as that of National Committee.
25.7. Expiry of the term of office for the Political Council applies to its members. No more than two thirds of the previous members can be elected (in rotation) for the new Council.
Article 26. Authority of the Political Council
26.1. Following are discussed at the Session of Political Council:
26.1.1. Issues outside the agenda of the Convention and National Committee;
26.1.2. Issues presented by the Policy Committees;
26.1.3. Having considered initiatives presented by the policy committees, make recommendation for the National Committee to participate in various elections;
26.1.4. Having considered initiatives presented by the policy committees, make recommendation for the National Committee to participate in various elections in coalition with other parties;
26.1.5. Having considered initiatives presented by the policy committees, make recommendation, for the National Committee, of the candidate to participate in various elections;
26.1.6. have clear concept of structure of the party secretariat, vacant positions, annual budget, salary fund and vacant positions ;
26.1.7. Discussion and settlement of the issues presented by the National Committee, standing committees, local party organizations, Inspection Commission and party supporters. If the issue is related with the authority of the Convention and National Committee, have the issue discussed by the mentioned organizations;
26.1.8. conduct referendum among party members on urgent issues ;
26.1.9. recommendation and approval of the personnel on the position where Parliament and Government is in charge for the appointment.
26.2. Political Council is to make decision on issue regarding 26.1.9 in compliance with the Law on Gender Equality.
Article 27. Party Leadership
27.1. The party leadership consists of three chairmen, two vice-chairmen, a secretary general and six secretaries.
27.2. Party member of active participation and valuable contribution who meets the criteria can be proclaimed as honorary chairman by the vote of majority (more than 50% of the National Committee members)
27.3. Party chairmen is to express unified and single position for the media conference, official note, announcement, and contracts and agreement made between other other parties.
27.4. Argument caused by the different positions held by the party chairmen is to be settled by Political Commitee.
27.5. Duties and rights of the each personnel in the party leadership is specified as it is in the article.
Article 28. Rights and duties of Party Chairman
28.1. The Party Chairman enjoys following rights and duties:
28.1.1. represent the party legally;
28.1.2. have relationship with the other parties, national and internatoional organization, and public on the behalf of the party;
28.1.3. lead and supervise the policy committees;
28.1.4. lead and supervise the personnel recommended by the party for the civil service;
28.1.5. organize party campaign for the various elections;
28.1.6. meet the party supporters;
28.1.7. implement reformation program in the party.
28.2. With the permission of the Political Council, each chairman is allowed to have permanent and temporary counsellors.
28.3. Term of office for the chairman is the same as that of Convention and the chairman is enjoys right to be re-elected.
28.4. The party chairman is not allowed access to the expenditure right in budget abd finance of the party.
28.5. In case there is more than one chairman, rights and responsibilities of each chairman is determined by the Political Council.
Article 29. Rights and duties of Vice-Chairman
29.1. The Party Vice-Chairman enjoys following rights and duties:
29.1.1. lead and supervise the internal affairs plocy committee;
29.1.2. provide local party organizations and any other related organizations under the party with leadership;
29.1.3. lead and supervise budget and finance policy committee;
29.1.4. organize activities to find extra financial source for the party;
29.1.5.control the budget expenditure and complete reports annually. Report is to be reviewed in the first quarter of the oncoming year.
29.2. In case there is more than one vice-chairman, rights and responsibilities of each vice-chairman is determined by the Political Council.
Article 30. Rights and Duties of Secretary General
30.1. The Secretary General enjoys following rights and duties:
30.1.1. to be in charge of the party secretariat;
30.1.2. improve political education of the party members, provide them with party information, review the request and complaints from the members and if necessary present the requests and complaints to the Leadership of the Party;
30.1.3. be in charge of the budget of the secretariat;
30.1.4. be responsible for the secretariat before National Committee and Political Council;
30.1.5. hire new employees in compliance with the salary fund and vacant positions and be in charge of the disciplinary action and award;
30.1.6. be in charge of the approval and implementation of the internal procedure of the secretariat, labour division and other related issues;
30.1.7. make contracts and agreement with other parties on the behalf of the party.
Article 31. Rights and Duties of Secretary
31.1. Secretary is in charge of the policy committees specified in 23.2 and 23.3.3
Article 32. Structure of Inspection Commission
32.1. Inspection Commision that is a control or monitoring organization of the party consists of local inspection commissions under the local party organizations.
32.2. Inspection Commision is responsible for the monitoring on implementation of party regulations, related rules, and financial activity of the National Committee, Political Council and Secretariat.
32.3. Local inspection commissions under the local party organizations is responsible for the monitoring on plenary meeting, plenum and financial activity of the local organizations. Authority, structure, members, operation and procedure of the local inspection commission is set by the central Inspection Commission.
32.4. Inspection Commission enjoys following rights and duties:
32.4.1. monitoring on the party operations and activities;
33.4.2. settle any arguments related with party operations;
32.4.3. inspect if resolutions passed by the Convention, National Committee, Politcal Committee, chairman, vice chairman, secretary general and secretary are in compliance with party rules and regulations;
32.4.4. inspect the implementation of party rules, regulations and procedure;
32.4.5. inspect and monitor the financial opeations of the party;
32.4.6. requests and complaints regarding operations of the party leadership, national Committee, Political Committee, Inspection Commission and Secretariat;
32.4.7. review and discuss complaints from the party members regarding local inspection commissions;
32.4.8. conduct annual internal audits in the financial operations of the party;
32.4.9. procedure, regulation and rules of the party to the public.
Article 33. System of the Inspection Commission
33.1. Inspection Commission enjoys its power via Inspection Commission Conference.
33.2. Inspection Commission consists of 9 members out of whom, at least, 2 members are required to be certified in the field of accounting and finance.
33.3. Members of the Inspection Commission can be changed accordingly with provision specified in 22.1.4.
33.4. Head and member of the Inspection Commission are not allowed to be elected as member of Political Council
33.5. It is a compulsory part of the duties of Inspection Commission Head toi participate in the session of political council to assure whether the session is being held in compliance with the procedure. However, the head of the inspection commission is not entitled to the right to vote.
33.6. If it is not possible for the head of the inspection commission to participate in the session, a member of the inspection commission is to take his place with his approval.
33.7. Without approval of the head, any member of the commission is not allowed to participate in the session of political council.
33.8. If the head of the commission is found to have made wrong political decision for not following the provision in 34.5, he/she is a subject to penalty action according to the 10.1.1.
Article 34. Session of the Inspection Commission
34.1. Session of the inspection commission is announced and held whenever there is a need to. Date of the session is announced to the members three days earlier.
34.2. By the request of more than two thirds of the members, the session is announced.
34.3. Session is held with attendance of more than 50% of the total commission members. Session resolution is considered active by the majority vote.
34.4. Resolution passed by the session is considered as conclusion.
34.5. Inspection Commission is allowed to question and demand explanation from the complainant, and, if necessary, seek assistance from professional agent, regarding request and complaint. To settle the argument, debate is conducted.
34.6. Complaints about resolution by the local inspection commission is reviewed and inspected by the central Inspection Commission for the final decision.
Article 35. Finance of the Party
35.1. The party is financed by itself.
35.2. Finance procedure is approved by the National Committee.
Article 36. Assets, Income and Expenditure
36.1. The party property/assets that consist of immovable (real estate) and movable properties include:
36.1.1. membership subscription for ordinary and electoral member;
36.1.2. donation or contribution by supporters and members;
36.1.3. financial supports shown by the state;
36.1.4. revenue from the publication, advertisement and information provided by the party;
36.1.5. name, log and colours of the party;
36.1.6. archive and property;
36.1.7. намын мөнгөн хөрөнгийг банкинд хадгалуулсны хүү / total amount of the interest of the monetary capital deposited in banks;
36.1.8. assets, name, colours, logo, archive and name on the ballot paper of the party that has merged into the party as coalition;
36.1.9. income from the property rent and sale.
36.2. Party income is spent only to finance party operation and implementation of the platform. It is strictly prohibited to share the income among members or use for other reasons.
36.3. Positions like manager or head of the financial department are required in the party secdretariat.
36.4. Financial department of the party is responsible for all kinds of financial activities. Once the financial reports by the local organizations are complete, the department make consolidated financial statement.
36.5. Consolidated financial statement is to be audited by the related office/organization.
Article 37. Grounds to Dissolution/Liquidation
37.1. According to the Law on Ploitical Parties, resolution to dissolve the party is passed only by the Party Convention and Supreme Court must be notified about dissolution within 10 week days.
37.2. Only by the resolution of the party convention, the party is reorganized or dissolved. Supreme Court is to be notified about the resolution and registers the party as dissolved.
37.3. Commission for Dissolution established by the Convention is in charge of the dissolving process.
37.4. During the dissolution process, former daily activity of the party is ceased and the property is evaluated in monetary value for the owner.
37.5. Once liquidation is completed according to the 37.4, rest of the properties is transferred to the parties of similar ideology, if there is no such parties the rest can be registered as state property. procedure of the property transference is resoluted only by the Convention.
Article 38. Updates in the Party Rules and Platform
38.1. According to the Article 13.4, Law on Political Parties, National Committee is responsible for updates in the party rules and platform approved by the party convention.
38.2. If Party Convention makes changes in the issues (name, chairman, logo, colours etc.) and, because of the changes, if structure, concept and articles of the party rules change, National Committee is to suggest proposal for the party convention to re-arrange party rules and approve the new party rules.
38.3. Updated or re-arranged version of the party rules are to be submitted to the Supreme Court for the approval, ten days after the change is made.
01/28/2012 – 00:00