APGN Statement on 10/19/2011 Third Papuan Congress and Indonesia state forces conflict

The Asia Pacific Greens Network

Demands that all parties involved in the Third Papuan Congress and Indonesia state forces conflict, which erupted on 10/19/2011, commit to nonviolence, participatory democracy, social justice, and human rights.

The incident:

On October 19, 2011 Indonesian military forces violently intervened in the Third Papuan Congress’ meeting, at least six congress participants are reported dead and dozens of people including the congress organisers were arrested due to this intervention.

Forkorus Yaboisembut, Chair of the Customary Papuan Council, declared that the objective of the congress was to discuss the basic rights of the indigenous Papuan people and not to destroy the the republic of Indonesia. “Although we will be discussing political rights, we respect the Indonesian government because our intention is not to destroy [the republic of Indonesia]. This is a matter of principle,” he said.

The Asia Pacific Greens Network (APGN), demands that all stakeholders of this conflict maintain behavior in accordance with the following Green principles:


The APGN demands the end to any form of violence in reaction to the peaceful Third Papuan Congress gathering held on 10/19/2011. The APGN asserts that security should not be pursued through military force but through cooperation, sound economic and social development, environmental safety and respect for human rights.

Participatory Democracy:

The APGN calls on the Indonesian government to maintain the integrity of a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views and are able to directly participate in the environmental, economic, social and political decisions which affect their lives. The APGN supports policy in which power and responsibility are concentrated in local and regional communities and devolved only where essential to higher tiers of governance; this requires that all citizens have the right to be a member of the political party of their choices within a multi-party system.


Social Justice:

The APGN calls for the equitable distribution of social and natural resources to ensure that all citizens have full opportunities for personal and social development. The APGN supports the right of indigenous peoples to self-determination.

Human Rights:

The APGN condemns all regimes which deny human rights, regardless of their political claims. The APGN opposes any violation of the physical integrity of the individual by torture or punishment.

The APGN calls upon the global community to work together to actively steward the peace and health of the Indonesian and West Papuan communities.

10/20/2011 – 12:00

En rapport

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