

台灣綠黨(Green Party Taiwan, GPT)在2012年全國大選中,贏得的票數幾乎是上一屆的四倍,也確立成為台灣第五大政黨。而2010年11月台北市議員選舉中,台灣綠黨亦在某些選區贏得百分之五的選票,並成功領回競選保證金。我相信,台灣綠黨正朝著成功之路邁進,我們日本綠黨,對其成就深感羨慕。



今本秀爾,President of ECOXIA Institute日本綠色智庫執行長,國際綠色運動者

Green Party Taiwan is truly a success story in the Asian Green Movement

Green Party Taiwan (GPT) gained almost 4 times as many votes as before in this national election, confirmed the fifth biggest party in Taiwan. I am convinced that GPT is going on their success story, as we Japanese green activists are envious of their achievement.

In the municipal election of Taipei, in November 2010, GPT gained 5 percent vote in some constituencies and their electoral deposit were successfully given back. The characteristics of GPT is that they have always kept insisting on “ecology and diversity” for their party’s philosophy, which they have never withdrawn at all until now. In Japan, if a small party sticks to their original political attitude, it always loses supporters and disappears; on the contrary GPT stably gains their supporters. The background of their success, in my opinion, comes from their success in networking with citizen movements, groups and related NGOs, as well as from their stable challenges for every national and municipal election these several years.

Today, several Green parties exist in Asian region, such as Mongolia, Nepal and Philippines, but I am sure that Taiwan is the most successful case in developing their movement. In Japan, there already began Green movement since 1980s, and many Green-oriented groups challenged for national elections, but they always failed to establish Green Party organization, then repeated their collapsing every time for about 30 years. On the other hand, GPT is originally set up as a Party organization, developing their achievement, has been successful in gaining citizen supporters. Therefore I would like to send them cheer message frankly, suggesting that other Green parties and movements in Asia should learn much from their success story.

SHUJI IMAMOTO (President of ECOXIA Institute, Japan Green Think Tank)







台湾緑の党は、とりわけ台湾電力の低レベル放射性廃棄物処理施設のある蘭峡島(Lai Yu Island)では、緑党は35.76%と他党を退け、最高得票を得た。






~SHUJI IMAMOTO,Provisional president of ECOXIA Institute, former leader of ECOLO Japan, and an international Green activist.

01/14/2012 – 13:00

En rapport

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