Our Structure

As a Federation of Green parties and groups from across the Asia-Pacific region, our structure is based on participatory democracy and building the movement from the ground up.

Our Council, Executive, Secretariat, Network and Committee members, and volunteers come together from the 20+ Green parties spanning the Pacific to the eastern Mediterranean, united in our vision for a just and sustainable future.


APGF Council serves as the peak strategic and governance body of the organisation. Composed of our Executive office bearers, Secretariat, and Councillors from each of our Full Member parties, along with representatives of our Networks and Associate Members, it is the highest decision-making body in APGF outside of General Meetings and the 5-yearly APGF Congress.

Our Committees serve as working groups of Council, with specialised roles and responsibilities to build the capacity and capabilities of APGF and our member parties. The Committees draw on the skills and deep expertise of Green leaders across the Asia-Pacific to design, implement, and evaluate our many projects and activities.

Our Networks are a thriving, beating heart of organising within APGF, bringing together passionate women and young people to discuss, challenge, and overcome marginalisation in their communities – and take their rightful place as leaders in the fight for a just and ecologically sustainable world.

Constitution, Bylaws, and internal policies

APGF’s core structure, mission, and organising philosophy are enshrined in our Constitution. The document lays out the fundamental organising and decision-making processes we use to build a better planet.

Our Bylaws further clarify how we operate and internally structure our activities.

We are committed to a culture of safety, respect, trust, and empowerment, and taking action when those values are not met. That’s why our internal policies outline the expectations for everybody at APGF, and the processes we will take if those expectations are not met.

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