Association of Greens using Esperanto

AVE (Association of Greens using Esperanto) has been founded in March 1984 in Liège (Belgium) on occasion of the first meeting of the European Greens Parties. From the founders: Maire Mullarney (1922-2008, Irish Green Party), Christopher Fettes, Jean-Claude Thumerelle, Wolfgang Guenther, Ute Haas, Emilo Mas & Claude Rouget (VERDire). At the Greens Congress in Zurich, 1991 Manfred Westermayer became secretary.

In 2014 AVE has around 350 members globally, partially they are green party members and sympatisants.  We are proud on the reached successes but still need more coworkers, because in policy numbers are important.

Of course, AVE cooperates also with different Esperanto Organisations like UEA, SAT and EEU; and regularly AVE contributes through meetings and lectures on their congresses e.g. in Maribor (EEU, 2007) about “Water and Plastics”. We also meet on ecological events like “Ekologio kaj Turismo” (Riga).


Our philosophy:

Realisation of thinking and acting according to the principle that the life and not humans are the central and pivotal point of evolution on our planet. Esperanto as an international language with its attributes “linguistic neutrality and worldwide applicableness” is according to the ecological principle “Small is Beautiful”.


Aims of AVE:

Using and spreading of Esperanto as an international communcation tool within the Green Movement, a movement based on ecological, social, basis-democratical and peaceful principles.  We support the Green Parties and we thank our Esperanto friends who voted for Green.

We are going to amend the UEA (Universal Esperanto Association) statutes to put “the ecological needs which have an equal interest for all people into the same rank as the notions of peace and Humans Right’s”.

AVE cooperates since 1984 with the European Green Parties to respect Esperanto and to explore its potential. We regularly attend the Greens’congresses and present Esperanto. Very well interpreting of the main lectures into Esperanto occurred 1991 at the first European Congress of Green Parties in Zurich by Farjon de Lagatinerie and Claude Piron, thanks to our friends in France and Switzerland. Unfortunately, up till now we aren’t many enough to continue that. Thanks to the global AVE-members we could also attend the Global Green Congresses (Canberra 2001, Nairobi, 2007 and Sao Paulo 2008).

Some green councils and congresses voted for resolutions to perform experiments relating the usage of Esperanto. There are some homepages of Green Party Organisations pointing to Esperanto translations e.g. of:

During the 90ies the green Euro Parliamentaries by 25% supported Esperanto – according to the Pirlot-List.


Green Party of France noted Esperanto in its European Programme under “Linguistic Policy,”

  1. To explore the usage of Esperanto as a bridge language for the internationalcommunication.
  2. To explore the potential of Esperanto within theEU. 3. Esperanto at school like optional language.

There is a Esperanto commission of Les Verts (EELV) in France:


The German Green Party “*Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen” adopted our amendment for the Basic Programme (P. 158): And in their discussion booklet “grün 2020” there is a brilliant essay of Britta Loose about “Esperanto in Europe 2020”.


AVE organised a workshop about language policy on occasion of the European Green Summer University in Frankfurt/Oder & Slubice. We showed that Esperanto is a living language with its own culture (original and translated literature, theatre works, songs and songs, peaceloving history & evoluting linguistics).  We would like to ask the Committee for Culture and Education of the EP for a scientific research about contributions of Esperant for the intercultural dialogue.


German Greens accepted the amendment for their European Program:

“Vielfalt ist lebendig und darf nicht auf reine Folklore oder den Namensschutz von Camembert, Feta und Halloumi reduziert werden.  Basis und Ausdruck der kulturellen Vielfalt sind die Sprachen Europas – nicht nur Sprachen der Mehrheitsgesellschaften, sondern auch der Minderheiten sowie Esperanto als internationale Sprache der Völkerverständigung. Mehrsprachigkeit ist stark zu fördern.” (p. 135)

“Cultural diversity is living and one is not allowed to reduce it to simple folklore and protection of brand names like Camembert, etc.. Basis and expression of cultural diversity are the languages of Europe – not alone the languages of the main societies, but also and moreover of minorities as well as Esperanto as international communication language. Multilinguicity has to be funded strongly.”


The common fraction Greens/EFA & Pirates, received 55 seats in the EP. Some of them know Esperanto like Reinhard Buetikofer (Greens), and from the others Malgorzata Handzlik (EPP). AVE is continuing to contact with MEPs of that fraction. We would like to discuss with them which steps are possible to offer for promoting the role of Esperanto – to support EU in its struggle against its language problems of babylonic extent.


Mara Timermane, participated the European Green Council in Tallinn. She also organized Esperanto-Eco-Tourism in Latvia and seminar on Agenda 21 in Riga.


An international team of AVE participated the European Green Congress in Paris.


Three of our friends in Dakar participated the Global (Young) Greens Congresses in Dakar; and we have updated the Global Greens Charter in Esperanto – to be found at: 2014: The Federation of Young European Greens presents itself also in Esperanto. And we translated their Manifesto for the Election 2014 into Esperanto. (maybe hidden in their new homepage ?); and also at our site:

We also translated the Manifesto of European Greens for the election to the European Parliament

And the little, more conservative ÖDP (ecological democratic party) in Germany had a statement for Esperanto on occasion of that election.

We held our 30 years anniversary in Rijeka, Croatia, on occasion of the congress of the European Esperanto Union.


2015-07 Esperanto World Congress in Lille, France, where we will meet; and show Green issues to our Esperanto friends.

2016 We are looking forward to participate the global Green Congress in Brussels (?), offering a workshop on just linguistic politics.

Moreover AVE also translates important texts on green economy, social justice, peace, Human and Animal Rights, also for CSOs, e.g. the german BUND:

Please visit us at General pages in more than 10 languages.

Secretary: Manfred Westermayer, E-mail: .

03/01/2014 – 15:47


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