Asia Pacific Greens Statement on Japan Earthquake, Tsunami and Nuclear Disasters

On the afternoon of March 11, 2011 a major earthquake occurred in North-East Japan, destroying and severely damaging many cities and towns on the Pacific Coast.

Currently more than several tens of thousands of people are dead or unaccounted for.

This catastrophe caused a cut off-off of cooling water into several reactors of nuclear power plants located in Fukushima. As a result of reduced water, the nuclear reactors may face a melt-down. If this occurs, it could be the worst case of nuclear accidents all over the world.

At present, the Japanese government and electric company specialists are attempting to prevent radioactive leaks from the reactors, but they are not disclosing information such as potential size of accidents, possibility of radioactive exposure etc.

The Asia Pacific Greens Network calls upon the Japanese government:

1. To give correct, complete and timely information to the public immediately.

2. To give complete instructions for evacuation of all people at risk, in the event of additional related disasters.

3. To provide neighboring countries with complete, accurate and timely information about the potential impact of radioactivity spread.

4. To seek aid from international nuclear specialists or organisations and implement the most stringent solutions possible to address this nuclear emergency.

5. To seek aid from active nuclear rescue groups abroad.

6. To seek international financial aid toward Tsunami-affected people and infrastructure. We of the APGN are also asking the international community to pay attention to the catastrophe, to request the Japanese Government to provide rapid and correct information regarding the process of responding to this nuclear accident.

Finally, the APGN reiterates our call to all countries in the region to suspend all operations, constructions and plans for nuclear plants in the Asia Pacific region until a regional hearing can fully review and evaluate all health and safety, social, environmental, economic and other aspects of nuclear power under the precautionary principle.

For more information, contact: Mr. Shuji Imamoto, Email:

03/16/2011 – 12:00


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