Asia-Pacific Greens Federation!

Good news, We are now the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation!

 How we got here:
  1. At the Global Greens Congress in Dakar, APGN delegates resolved to register our organisation;
  2. The Asia-Pacific Greens Coordination Committee (APGCC) called for expressions of interest for hosts & researched optimal conditions for an international legal entity.
  3. Australia was selected, and the APGN adopted the incorporation of the Friends of the Global Greens (FROGG), and registered our name as the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation (APGF) in alignment with Greens Federations around the world.
Transitioning from Network to a Federation demonstrates our ongoing development and professionalisation as an organisation dedicated to excellence in political leadership.  I feel proud to be a part of the Asia-Pacific Greens Federation and the family of federations of Greens in Africa, the Americas and Europe.  Together we are the Global Greens.
Together we advance global solutions that respect diversity, social justice, sustainability, nonviolence, participatory democracy and ecological wisdom.
Congratulations Asia-Pacific Greens, we stand together today as a Federation!
With respect and appreciation,
Keli Yen,

08/28/2013 – 00:00


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